Chapter 4 - Teams

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Introductions had been made and the remaining girls had arrived. All that was left to do was to sort out teams and fight. Nathan was busy whispering something to Jay, failing to be subtle about it.

'Ok we are going to sort out teams now. Whichever team I'm on will have three of us boys, because I'm not entirely sure I know how to use the gun', Jay said, seriously. Of course this made the other boys laugh and tease him, and all the competition winners joined in as well, lucky to see the famous teasing talents of the boys in person, 'you've all seen that picture of me holding the gun from our paintball match last year. Baby Nath here had to protect me.' This of course made them start up again.

'Not such a baby am I really, if I'm more of a man than you!' Nathan said, joking.

'Good one mate!' Tom high-fived Nathan.

'Okay guys, let Jay finish so we can get started' Max interrupted, stopping the teasing.

'Thanks Max, and so for that reason, Nath will be on the same team as me again.'

'Uh, well there might be someone else I need to protect this time mate' Nathan interrupted, looking at Sarah and blushing slightly, but not noticeably enough for anyone to comment.

'What, but Nath I need you bro. What happened to Jaythan? Anyway, teams will be as follows. Me, Nathan and Siva on one team, Max and Tom on the other. Big Kev and Jayne will be around making sure none of you kidnap us,' he said laughing, which in return received laughs from the twenty-seven fans sitting across the room. He then sorted the girls into which team they were on, before they got their equipment and headed out to the battleground.


This is really more of a filler chapter to set up the next chapter. I've already written part 5, and it's my personal favourite that I've written so far, so i'm really excited for you to see it :) 

I'll upload in three or four days, so please stick around, the plot gets better from here.  

Thank you to everyone who's reading, it means a lot! I know this is a really short chapter, but the next one is much longer, the longest so far :)

Which team will Sarah be on?

So yeah, please comment, vote, fan and i'll see you for A LOT more action in the next chapter!

Happy Sykes Sunday! :D

A x

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