Chapter 25 - Don't Give Up

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'No, but-'

'No buts Sarah. I really, really like you, and I think it's best if I try to straighten things out with your parents. If it goes wrong, you can't say I didn't try. I'm not about to throw my relationship with you away - if I don't try to sort things out, we'll never know how it would have or could have ended. We'll barely ever see each other, and it will always be a secret. Your parents will dislike me even more if they find out we've been seeing each other behind their backs. We'll have to be so much more careful than we already have to be. The media already know about us. We can either sort this out now, or just give the media the impression that it's all fizzled out, and that might end up actually happening. I'm not going to lose you, just let me do this please.' Nathan justified his decision, leaving no holes for Sarah to argue her case again, giving her no choice but to give in.

'Ok, let's do this.' Sarah nodded her head, letting one of Nathan's hands go, still holding onto the other as they moved forward together and rounded the corner. Walking up to the front door which Sarah had left open, Nathan squeezed Sarah's hand before they went inside. They went through to the kitchen to see her mum and dad.

'Mum, Dad.' She got their attention.

'Nathan.' Her mum stated, with no response except a glare from her dad.

'Hello.' Nathan replied, smiling at her dad too.

'Umm, Nathan has come to explain the club thing, if that's ok with you.' Sarah tried to keep things going and ease the atmosphere which had turned uncomfortable.

'Right.' Her dad said shortly. Sarah's optimism fell even more. They could at least be a bit more welcoming.

'Um well, I wanted to say sorry that it happened. It was Jay who wanted to go there, I literally wanted to take your lovely daughter bowling, out for a meal, and then maybe a stroll in the park. Nano has kept -'

'Who's Nano?' Her mum rudely interrupted, narrowing her eyebrows because even more people who she didn't even know about were involved.

'Our day-to-day manager. He has a cover story if it happens to leak out into the press - it won't. I can assure you that it will be fine. I just felt the need to tell you in case it did come out, and also because I want you to be able to trust me.' Nathan continued explaining calmly. Sarah wasn't sure if his choice of words at the end about trust was the best thing he could have said.

'How do you expect us to trust you when you took Sarah to a club and got her arrested?' Her dad fumed; Sarah's suspicions were correct.

'Dad, it wasn't Nathan who got us arrested, it was-' Sarah began.

'Sarah, keep out of this.' Her dad stopped her from continuing her sentence.

'This does concern me you know.'

'What do you have to say then?' Her mum was more lenient.

'That I am staying with Nathan no matter what you say. It's my life, not yours.'

'Sarah.' Her father warned, now extremely cross.

'Please, let me have another chance to prove myself. I'll get Jay to apologise!' Nathan pleaded, desperate to be accepted by Sarah's family.

'Nathan, I've had enough of this. You just show up here without any warning, to apologise.' Her dad made quotation marks around the word apologise. 'Claiming that it wasn't your fault but someone else's. And you expect us to trust you? To trust you? How are we supposed to know if you'll keep her safe in the future and not take her anywhere she isn't supposed to be going?'

'Please, I'm in The Wanted.' Nathan thought he'd give it a try, he'd never played that card before, thinking that it shouldn't matter whether he was in a band or not. But he was getting desperate and struggling to find any more arguments, because everything he said was thrown back in his face by Sarah's father.

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