Chapter 22 - Words Which Sting

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Sarah fears were confirmed. 'What about him?'

'He is irresponsible and a bad influence. You got caught and taken into custody and you didn't tell us! And you went to a CLUB?! Sarah, I though you were better than that. I thought you were more responsible, and sensible and careful than that! Do you have any idea what could have happened to you in there? People get drunk, and you could be have been taken by ANYONE!' Sarah's mum exploded. If only you knew... Sarah thought. Sarah's mum was only this angry because she loved her daughter and wanted to protect her, but she knew she couldn't really help now that Sarah was involved with the press and was dating a pop star.

It was Nathan's job to protect her now.

'He is not a bad influence, and he is very responsible! He's lovely! It was Jay's fault! He didn't want to go to the club and neither did I, but Jay forced us. And then he ruined it all. I couldn't tell you because I didn't want this to happen!' Sarah shouted back.

'I am not at all impressed that you didn't tell us about this Sarah. And no matter what you seem to think, I know that this Nathan boy is a bad influence, and you are going to be exposed to things which are just going to complicate your life. When I first met him, I thought he seemed responsible, but now I know what he's really like and what he likes doing, I'm not so sure.' Henrietta scolded.

'Look, I'd have ended up telling you at some point. I just didn't want to say yet. Do you know how much I've been worrying about what you would think? I was all calm and relaxed and just had a lovely chat with Nathan, and now this has happened.'

'Yes, but you were caught by the police Sarah! It's a criminal offence!'

'I know mum! But they said they wouldn't mark it down this time, so my criminal offence record is fine.'

'Thats not the point Sarah! You were still taken into a station! And who bailed you anyway? You could have called us, and no matter how angry we would have been, we'd have come and got you.'

'Max and Tom came to get us.'

'So you got the other band members to come and get you so you didn't get into trouble with us?'

'No, Jay and Nathan called their friends so that it would be easier for them to get home, and to get me home how I was supposed to. Because Nathan wanted to meet you in relatively good conditions, rather than you were cross at me for not doing anything wrong. It wan't my choice to go to a club, and if I'm honest with you I was very worried about it actually.'

Sarah mum's next words crushed her.

'I want you to stop seeing him. It's not even a week into your relationship and I don't trust him. That's a warning sign to me. He's a pop star and can have anyone he wants, he'll probably hurt you. They always do.'

Tears came to Sarah's eyes as she replied and the argument was quickly escalating. 'NO! I will not stop seeing him. He's my boyfriend and you can't change that. Your words just hurt me mum, Nath wouldn't hurt me. He hasn't had a girlfriend for three years because his last one cheated on him, so he knows what it feels like to be hurt. He wouldn't hurt me, I don't believe it.'

'Don't talk to me like that Sarah,' her mum warned, 'I do not trust him. But suit yourself. You will most likely be hurt Sarah, the press always have their eye on him, and will probably make stuff up just to see how you react and upset you.'

'I think you should leave now before I say something I regret. I trust him, you can't make me change my relationship. You can't help who you fall for.'

Sarah's mum took a deep breath before replying, 'I'm just trying to look out for you. And I will be telling your dad.' With that she composed herself before calmly leaving Sarah's room, and softly shutting the door behind her.

Sarah stayed where she was until she heard the last 'thud' of her mum's footsteps down the stairs, before muttering 'Yeah, but not in the right way. Dad might understand better than you.' She groaned (even though what she really wanted to do was scream) and threw herself onto her bed, crying into her pillow.


Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this part. I know it wasn't very interesting, but I thought you needed to see how her mum would react to finding out, and what her views on Nathan are.

The good new is, one more chapter until Nathan is back in the flesh! But, I have no idea what should happen when he comes back, so if you have any ideas of what could happen, please, please, please leave it down in the comments, or inbox me. I'd be wholly appreciative and of course you'd be credited with the ideas.

I'm sorry it's short, when I wrote it, I didn't realise how short it actually was.

Dedication to @Vanilla_Pod for being an amazing friend. I honestly don't know what I'd do without her. Pleease read her stories, they're not very long yet, and I promise you won't regret it!

Thank you :)

Amy xxx

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