Chapter 15 - In The Moonlight Under The Willow Tree

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Nathan exhaled a large breath as he led Sarah out the front door and down the path.

'Thank God that's over,' he said, 'Sorry you had to witness that. This had turned into a beautiful nightmare hasn't it?'

'Awww don't worry, I've seen where you live now,' She smiled, 'The only nightmare was the police station and Max...' She trailed off, 'But apart from that it was perfect!'

Nathan didn't say anything, he just took her hand in his, entertwining their fingers as they walked down to the taxi that was waiting for them at the end of his drive.

They climbed into the taxi and Nathan told the driver the name of Sarah's road.

'Why not my house number too?'

'You'll see' Nathan replied mysteriously, moving his hand so it rested lightly on Sarahs leg. Sarah smiled to herself hoping that Nathan wouldn't see, but of course he did.

'So you like it when I do this?' Nathan smirked.

'Maybe, maybe not.' Sarah smirked back, biting her lip a little to stop her from giggling.

'I'll take that as a yes then.' Nathan replied smugly. Sarah put her hand on top of his, and laced their fingers together. She leaned her head on his shoulder, so they were almost cuddling together in the back of the taxi.

They arrived at the end of Sarah's road. Nathan thanked and paid the driver and they both got out.

Nathan put his arm around Sarah's waist as they started walking down the street, and then he stopped her when they reached the willow tree which was on the corner before her drive. The branches were long and concealing, if they were to go under them they would be 'in' the tree, so to speak. Hiding them from any spying or prying neighbours. The perfect place to be together without having to worry about passers by interrupting them, or potentially putting on a public display or affection. It would be their own private display of affection.

'So... Why didn't you go to my house? And why have we stopped here?' Sarah asked again.

'Well... It means I get to spend more time with you... And if we got out of the taxi on your drive, I probably couldn't do this.'

Nathan pulled her closer to him so their bodies were pressed together. He rested his forehead on hers so their noses were touching.

'You have no idea how much I like you.' He breathed, before crashing his lips onto hers for one of the many times that night, but this would be one of the most memorable. He kissed her passionately, not roughly, but more urgently than before. His hands travelled up from her waist this time, until they were resting just beneath and to the side of her breasts, still holding her around her body. This made Sarah tingle and she tightened her grip around his neck - she liked it when he put his hands there. She didn't know why, it just felt right, as natural as when his hands were on her waist.

Nathan spoke again when they pulled apart, still holding her impossibly close. 'Will you be my girlfriend?'

'Yes! I'd love to! Of course!' She replied, snuggling up to his chest.

'You have just made me the happiest 19-year-old alive.' He smiled, and kissed her once more, before painfully breaking the contact of their lips. He might not be able to do that again for weeks. He would find a way to do it before he left, though it would make 'goodbye' so much harder.

He put his arm around her shoulders, as they left the magical 'inside' of the tree, romantically walking through the drooping fronds of the willow, as though they were curtains. The moonlight shone on them like a spotlight, and the green from the leaves reflected brightly in Nathan's already sparkling, happy eyes, making them an even deeper emerald. Sexy.

He walked her to her door, his arm never leaving her shoulders, and rang the doorbell.

Sarah's dad answered the door.

'Hi dad, this is Nathan.' Sarah made introductions.

'Very nice to meet you sir.' Nathan said, shaking his hand.

'Good to meet you too Nathan, I'm sure Sarah has had a lovely day.' If only he knew.

'Now, I know this might seem old fashioned, but I'd errrr like to ask your permission for Sarah to ummm be my errrrr girlfriend.'

'Well, it's her decision obviously, but as long as you take care of her, then I trust you. But don't ever hurt her. Trust me, you'll regret it.'

'Ok dad, I think he gets it. Please, he's lovely, he won't hurt me.' Sarah cringed at his over-protectiveness.

'Sorry Nathan, just being a responsible, protective father.'

'I understand, and thank you.' Nathan smiled, giving Sarah a squeeze.

'Oh, and I know you're in a band, please protect Sarah from the lights and flashbulbs.'

'I will sir, don't worry sir, and thank you again sir.'

'You don't need to call me 'sir' all the time.'

'Sorry sir.' Nathan replied, Sarah burst out laughing, Nathan chuckled and her dad cracked a small smile. Sarah's mum came to the door and greeted Nathan, mentioning how lovely it was to see him again, from their brief introduction at the paintballing three days previously.

'Anyway, I must go Nathan,' Sarah said sadly, 'School tomorrow, and it's the time you had to have me back by now anyway.'

'Yeah, ok, I'll try to come see you before we leave for America on Sunday.' With this Nathan swiftly planted a kiss on her cheek, in front of the watching eyes of her parents, said goodbye, and wandered down the drive. When he reached the end, he turned around and waved, before turning the corner and disappearing from sight.


So, you guys have got my story to 1,000 reads! When i saw i was like O_o WHAT? THANK YOU SO MUCH! Like, there are no words to say how thankful I am! So, here is a mid-week update to say thank you, I hope you like it!

I'd love some comments and votes, will update again on suundaaay :D

Amy xx

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