Chapter 1

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" LeafStar I told you, I'm not going, there isn't another medicine cat to take over for me! " PickleStem said, as she moves a few leafs around. " PickleStem please, ParsleySeed and BellaLeaf need a guide! " LeafStar argued, and PickleStem kept working " They have PufferPelt and ScorpionHeart, they will be fine " PickleStem meowed, and casually walked out of the medicine den, and sat outside. " PickleStem please! Just teach one of the cats the simples, StarClan will help us if we need more " LeafStar begged. PickleStem glared at LeafStar " The cat I want to teach, let's just say you won't let me " PickleStem meowed, and trotted over to the fresh kill pile, grabbing a mouse, and walking back. " Who is it " LeafStar sighed. " I want to Take TwigKit on as my Apprentice " PickleStem mewed, and nibbled on the mouse. " Ok! Ok we can work that out- " LeafStar meowed. PickleStem looked in LeafStars eyes, they where desperate. " CurlyTail is expecting kits, if I teach TwigKit enough, she will still not be able to help CurlyTail if she has kits " PickleStem meowed. " Then MintFur can help, and any other she cat who has had kits, please PickleStem do this for the clan " LeafStar begged. " Fine! I'll go...but I have to tell you something first. " PickleStem sighed. " What is it? " LeafStar asked, and PickleStem waved her inside. " I....I killed HazeStorm... " PickleStem sighed. " What?! Why?! " LeafStar gasped. " Because he killed My mother! And he killed SharpClaw, and he would of killed HawkWing, and you if I didn't stop him....I fed him Death berries...and he died quickly....not a day goes by that I don't regret what I did....but I know I had to do this to save the clan " PickleStem sighed, and LeafStar looked at her with soft eyes. " You should of told someone....but I understand what you did...this secret will remain between us. " LeafStar cooed, and gently gave PickleStems ear a lick. " I'll teach CherryTail the basics, If I'm not back before the kits are old enough to be apprenticed, then make TwigKit a warrior apprentice. " PickleStem sighed. " Thank you PickleStem...we will leave tonight " LeafStar meowed, and stepped out. " CherryTail! " PickleStem called, and moments later, the she trotted in. " I'm going to have you take over as medicine cat while I'm gone, know that you can still be close to your kin, you will not be a full medicine cat, and when you are not busy with herbs, you can hunt and patrol like normal, I'm just counting on you to help the clan, can you do this? " PickleStem asked. " I can, I Remember a few that SandStorm taught me when SkyClan was first being rebuilt. " CherryTail meowed. " Good, now come over here, I'll give you the run down. "

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