Chapter 3

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WallabyPetal lapped at the water in a bowl, this KittyPet life wasn't horrible. Jinx and Goose helped her with her wheelchair adjustment, and she was finally able to go outside. WallabyPetal stepped away from the water, and trotted over to the small flap that lead the cats outside into a large, fenced of area, the fence to large for any cat to jump over, Except for Shrimp. " Hey! Wallaby!! Come over her! We wanna ask ya something! " Goose called here over, the Grey cat waved Xer tail. WallabyPetal smiled, and dashed over " What is it? " WallabyPetal asked, and rested her front legs. " Can you teach us how to hunt! " Jinx asked, his eyes wide with enthusiasm. " Hunting? I can try, I'm still trying " WallabyPetal chuckled, and stood side by side with Goose and Jinx. " Now I want you to crouch as low as possible " WallabyPetal instructed, and Jinx crouched low, While Goose was having a harder time. " Here, copy me Goose " WallabyPetal said, and crouched her front paws low. Goose inspected her, and crowded Xer paws down. " Good! Now, sniff out some prey, I can smell a few from here " WallabyPetal instructed. Jinx raised his nose to the sky, and sniffed. " Goose smells Mouse! " Goose meowed happily. " Good! Now, Jinx, do you smell it to? " WallabyPetal asked, and Jinx nodded. " Good! Now, I'll try and get it, and the next ones are yours, ok? " WallabyPetal meowed, and the two nodded. WallabyPetal crouched down, slowly walked towards it. She then quickly dashed towards it, and grabbed it, biteing its neck, and it went limp. " Wow! Amazing! " Jinx ran up to her, purring. " Aw, thanks " WallabyPetal purred, and giggled softly. " Goose smells bird! " Goose called, and WallabyPetal trotted over to her " I smell it to, birds can be harder to catch, I used to be the best tree climber in ThunderClan, I would catch all the birds " WallabyPetal chuckled, before sighing. " How should I catch it? " Goose asked. " Oh, yeah, well, if you can stalk up to it, and should be able to grab it and kill it easily. " WallabyPetal meowed, and trotted over to a tree, and sat down, watching goose stalk up on the small Robin, and successfully catch it. WallabyPetal smiled, and looked up at the tree.  " WallabyPetal...? " Jinx meowed, and sat next to her. " I Miss the forest...I love hanging out with you guys, but I miss my mom and dad....I miss my Best friends...I miss My Clan! " WallabyPetal meowed, and jinx gave her a soft, caring look " I'm sorry WallabyPetal...I should of thought of this...I was going to ask if you wanted to stay here with us, but I under you miss your clan " Jinx sighed. WallabyPetal tilted her head " I care about you, and Goose, Shrimp, even that weird Bird that talks, but I miss my clan... " WallabyPetal sighed, and stood up, trotting into the twoleg den, and laying in the soft nest, resting her head on the paws.

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