Chapter 5

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ScorpionHeart kicked down a rotten tree, ParsleySeed and BreezePelt dug the rotten wood out. " This will make a great den when it's done! Even if we are in here for a day or two " ParsleySeed meowed. " I was thinking maybe we should have PickleStem run out and explore the area, make sure everything is good for when we move out " ScorpionHeart meowed. PrimrosePeak and DawnRise where mumbling to eachother, weaving a covering for the Tree den entrance. ScorpionHeart sighed, and trotted up to his sister " Hey, DawnRise, you wanna go hunting later? " ScorpionHeart asked   " Why not, I've got nothing better to do " DawnRise hissed, and returned to Weaving. " We don't have to if you don't wanna... " ScorpionHeart softly meowed. " I said it was fine! Now go away before I change my mind " DawnRise snapped, and took a deep breath, returning to Weaving. ScorpionHeart sighed, and walked away, approaching PickleStem. " Who do you think the Star will be " ScorpionHeart asked softly, as PickleStem laid leaves out to dry. " I hope it's BellaLeaf, I may sound bias, but she is a brave, admirable warrior...Who do you hope it is " PickleStem meowed. ScorpionHeart gazed around camp, watching DoveWing trot past carrying a few twigs. " DoveWing.... " ScorpionHeart purred. PickleStem looked at him up and down " You Like Her don't you! " PickleStem teased. " What?! No! No no......Maybe " ScorpionHeart meowed, and playfully slapped her ear. " Gasp! You have attack a medicine cat! Oh I am in pain! " PickleStem fell, putting one paw over her forehead and pretending to cry. " Get up! You goof! " ScorpionHeart laughed, and picked her up, and gently placed her on his paws. " Your silly " PickleStem rolled her eyes, and trotted over to her make-shift medicine den. " Come on ScorpionHeart! Let's go hunting " DawnRise called, and ScorpionHeart dashed over. " Let's go look for some mice, I want something tangy " DawnRise mumbled. As the two siblings walked out, ScorpionHeart thought quietly Maybe we should talk about the Badger in the Woods. ScorpionHeart thought.  " Are you still mad at me....or do you know it was a accident " ScorpionHeart asked.  " Did you really bring me out here to talk about this? " DawnRise hissed, stoping, and turning to him. " No, i want to hunt, but I want to tie up loose Vines, DawnRise I feel horrible for what happened " ScorpionHeart meowed, and DawnRise hissed, shaking her head " If you felt bad, Why would you kill her!? " DawnRise hissed. " I didn't! It was a freak accident- " ScorpionHeart meowed back. " You killed her! You killed her and all I did was- was Love her! And I miss her, and- And...." DawnRise shouted, panting " A-and....IvyPaw meant the world to me....a-and I miss her.....And I just...I just needed someone to yell at...I love her... " DawnRise panted, looking at the ground, then back up to her brother " S-scorpionHeart I'm....Im so sorry...DarkForest made me feel this way....But I know...I know IvyPaw wouldn't want me to be mad...ScorpionHeart I'm so sorry- " DawnRise began, and ScorpionHeart wrapped his paws around her, an DawnRise slowly wrapped hers around him " Your my sister....I can't be mad at you...I love you " ScorpionHeart purred. DawnRise let go, and looked at her paw, surprised a bit, and shook her head. " Come on, let's go catch some prey, last one to catch the mouse is the loser " DawnRise chuckled, and rubbed her paw on his head, and dashed into the woods. " Hey! " ScorpionHeart meowed, and ran after her.

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