Chapter 4

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SunStrike followed after BreezePelt, yawning tiredly, they had been walking sense sunrise. " I'm tired..., can we rest somewhere " SunStrike whined, and the patrol haulted, the Stars all glanced at each other, and nodded " That does sound like a good idea, we are out of clan territory, let's rest down this hill, I can check real quick to see if there is a nice open clearing " PickleStem meowed, and vanished in a White dash, appearing moments later " There's a nice big one! Large enough for us all " PickleStem panted. " Nice, Come on guys! " ScorpionHeart meowed, and lead them down the hill, and finding the clearing, and all the cats laid down, sighing loudly. " Ugh, it feels so nice to lay down for once " SunStrike groaned. " I Think we should arrange some patrols, to gather moss and Prey " GrassPelt meowed to PufferPelt " That is a good idea, How about, OliveNose, SunStrike, and BellaLeaf! You three go on a Moss patrol, and Me, GrassPelt, BreezePelt, and DawnRise will take a Hunting patrol, The rest of you should fix up our temporary camp to make it more comfortable. " PufferPelt meowed, and the cats nodded. SunStrike groaned, and sat up, and stalked over to OliveNose and BellaLeaf. " Come on, let's go " OliveNose purred, and bounded forward. SunStrike yawned, and followed forward. " Wow, never once would I think that I would be on patrol with a ShadowClan And SkyClan cat! " OliveNose purred, and BellaLeaf chuckled " I don't want to be rude, SunStrike, but is it true that WindClan cats are small and thin to Run against the wind? " BellaLeaf asked, and SunStrike raised her head " Huh? Yeah, it's genetics, but that's mostly why. The winds can get hard on the moors, but we train hard to not be pushed around by them " SunStrike meowed. " I found some moss! " OliveNose purred, and leaped forward. " Nice, do you think we can grab some tall grass on the way back, it will remind me of home. " SunStrike asked, and the two she's turned to look at here " Tall grass? " OliveNose tilted her head " WindClan territory dosent have a abundance of Moss, and if we do find any it usually goes to the Queens and kits. So WindClan warriors end up sleeping on the tall grasses, Heather, leaves, anything soft we can find. " SunStrike meowed, before stopping. What was she saying?! Why should she let these other clan cats know what WindClan is like! SunStrike thought, before OliveNose popped up next to her " ShadowClan has something like that too! We have Moss, but we also have a bunch of Pine needles! It may sound like it hurts to sleep in, but it's really comfy! " OliveNose giggled. " Yeah, SkyClan has a bunch of birds, so we have a bunch of Bird feathers in our nest " BellaLeaf smiled. OliveNose giggled " Guess we all aren't that different " She purred. SunStrike stiffened, before grabbing some of the moss of the ground near her, and Stalked of " We are nothing alike... " SunStrike mumbled.

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