Chapter 16

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IvyPool lead the patrol, as PickleStem could smell the air getting salty " IvyPool, how did you know that Fox mask would work? And can you really speak fox?! " DoveWing meowed, bouncing excitedly on her paws. " My mentor actually gave me the idea, it's called a mask, I made it out of wood! And I learned some fox, dog, badger, even a bit of deer! I have a dog and badger mask aswell, but I mainly use the Fox one " IvyPool said, smiling. " We're here! The place you all have been looking for, Shes and toms, welcome, to the Sun-Drown place! " IvyPool meowed, and she pushed through some bushes, standing at a cliff edge. PickleStem gasped, and looked out at the water, it spanned out for what seemed like ever, and the suns bottom was dipping into the water " How does the sun not stay under the water? " BellaLeaf asked " My mentor says earth moves the sun to the other side of the world, and it rises there! " IvyPool purred. " It's beautiful..." PickleStem mumbled. " My mentor also says that the Twolegs call it the Atlantic Ocean, Whatever that means " IvyPool chuckled. " Now come on! You all have to meet my mentor " IvyPool smiled, and lead them back through the bushes, and down to the sandy land near the Sun-Down Water, into a cave near the water. " Deer? I found them! " IvyPool called. Out of the dark cave, a large, brown creature stepped out, with Spiky, Bramble like things on its head " Guys, this is deer! Deer, this is the patrol " IvyPool purred. " Interesting, Shall I fetch her? " Deer spoke. " I'm already here " A old voice spoke from the cave, and after a few heavy paw steps, a large badger stood in front of them " Badger! " BreezePelt shrieked, and jumped up onto a near by rock. " Bah Ha! Young BreezePelt, All bark, But no bite, ey? " The badger chuckled. " H-how do you know my name? " BreezePelt hissed. " I know all your names, I know your parents names, and there parents, and even theres,I am somewhat of a prophet to StarClan, but my heart truly belongs to the earth " Midnight said, her old voice sounded strong. " Now come! We all have a Star to find! After that, I'll explain what to do after " Midnight said, and lead the patrol deep into the cave " I see we are missing two " Midnight spoke, and PickleStem trotted forward " Yes...ParsleySeed wished to Stay at the Two-legs, and SunStrike joined the sister to be with her grandmother " PickleStem meowed. " Ah, well I don't blame them, Clan life is hard " Midnight chuckled. " Now come, you all lay in here, we spent days preparing it " Midnight instructed, and the cats laid down, BreezePelt was more hesitant " Now, we will find the new star, rest well, and May StarClan bless you all " Midnight meowed. PickleStem closed her eyes, and felt herself falling asleep, like she was at the moon pool.

PickleStem stood in the forest, and CloudStar stood in front of her " Who else did you kill " PickleStem hissed, But CloudStat ignored her, and with a flick of his tail, she was flung back, and landed in the forest. Everything felt so, familiar. PickleStem wandered a bit, before coming across HazeStorm. She followed him, as he was stalking something " HazeStorm? What's going on "  PickleStem asked, but it was to late. " HazeStorm; HazeStorm no! " PickleStem called, and Watched as HazeStorm leaped at Pacific, and had to watch as her mother screech in pain, HazeStorm bit her throat, and ripped a part of, And Pacific went limp. " Mama! " PickleStem ran up to her, But was launched back, and landed in a camp of some sort. " Hello? " PickleStem called, and walked into a den, and saw The black shape of Clover. " No, no I don't wanna see this! " PickleStem cried, and ran out, only hearing the screech of pain a few moments after, and she was throw forward, and back in front of CloudStar. " Why? Why would you remind me of this! " CloudStar ignored her again,and PickleStem felt her chest throb in pain, her eyes widened. PickleStem felt herself being rolled in half, and gasped, seeing the stars on her float of her, and the shape of a cat took there place. " SkyStar, it is good to have you back " CloudStar meowed, as the Form of SkyStar left her body, and PickleStem collapsed " I'm sorry about that PickleStem, but you no longer need this Star " SkyStar meowed, and followed CloudStar into the Forest. PickleStem looked up, and above her stood Pacific, FidgetFlake, PebbleShine, PatchNose, HarveyMoon, SharpClaw, and CloudMist, all in shock as to what happened. PickleStem tried to reach towards her mother, but felt her body go limp, and her sight went black.

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