Chapter 31

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PickleStem yawned,her nest was to soft to move from, but today was the day, finally , she would be home. BellaLeaf was already up, and practically bouncing out of her paws. " I can't wait to go home! Oh PickleStem I'm gonna climb every tree when I get back " BellaLeaf purred. " I can't wait to smell my herbs again " PickleStem purred. PufferPelt stood next to the two " Well, I'm going to go home and See DownPebble, and my Apprentice " PufferPelt smiled. " Apprentice? You? " PickleStem teased. " Yes, he has LilyPaw, one of our smallest apprentices, but he is training her rather well, I'm proud of him " GrassPelt purred " As for me I'm going set up the best patrols the clan has had in a few moons " GrassPelt purred " That's the most Deputy thing I've heard " PufferPelt chuckled. " Well, I see you all are ready, everyone else is getting up, we will all be home by Sun-fall " DoveWing purred. " What are you excited to go home to? " BellaLeaf asked. " A good Shrew and a nap in my nest " DoveWing chuckled. " I'm ready to catch frogs again! " OliveNose mewed, jumping out from behind BellaLeaf. " Are Frogs good? I'll have to try and catch one when I go back " BellaLeaf asked. " As long as it's not a ShadowClan frog, those ones are all mine " OliveNose teased. " Ok you guys, come on, we got homes to go to " WallabyPetal chuckled, and IvyPool followed after her. " Ok, come in guys! " DoveWing called, and the cats followed her. " I hope CherryTail didn't mess up my herbs to much, I'll probably redo them anyways though " PickleStem meowed. " I'm sure she did a great job " BellaLeaf giggled. " I can smell WindClan! " BreezePelt called, and ran forward. " The moors! We're home! " PrimrosePeak gasped. " Well, This is where I leave you all, I'm sure I'll see you all at the gathering or something " BreezePelt meowed, and ran into the moor without another word. " Bye, I guess " PickleStem chuckled. As they followed the border, they made it to the MoonPool stream " ew...The water is gross... " DoveWing mumbled. " It's shallow enough for me and Goose to cross, Goodbye everyone! I can't wait to see you all at the next gathering! " WallabyPetal purred, and the five vanished into the forest. ScorpionHeart nudged PickleStem " Hey, Promise me you won't get to stressed, ok? " ScorpionHeart meowed, and PickleStem nodded " I'll try ". PickleStems paws longed  to go home, to see her ClanMates. " Well....We are close, I guess this is goodbye you guys. " PickleStem purred. " Goodbye PickleStem and BellaLeaf, until next gathering " ScorpionHeart purred, PickleStem and BellaLeaf crossed the SkyClan border, and ran to camp, jumping over fallen logs, both laughing happily. Finally, they both shoved through the camp entrance " PickleStem! BellaLeaf! " HawkWing was the first to greet them, and the rest of SkyClan followed, finally, PickleStem was home.

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