Chapter 2

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PufferPelt waited for MistyStar to start the meeting, she was going to choose one cat to go, and PufferPelt would choose the other. DownPebble trotted over to him, and gently leaned on him. " Are you ok...? " DownPebble asked. " No....I'm so worried, I've heard stories of Midnight, but what if we don't get the next Star fast enough....but I know that cat who I want to choose will be choose, they are special is every way " PufferPelt sighed, but purred, preparing to tell DownPebble he wanted to bring her. " It's me, huh? " DownPebble chuckled. " Huh- well. Yeah " PufferPelt giggled. DownPebble rubbed her head on PufferPelts " I don't want to know I don't share your belief...I love you so much, and I know there are other cats who will make a better star than i would " DownPebble sighed, and PufferPelt stiffened, as MistyStar called for the clan. " Cats of RiverClan! I have made the choice Of who I wish to send for this Star trip, know I have spent time thinking this through, and I believe this choice is for the best " MistyStar announced, and the clan was silent, desperately waiting for a answer. " PrimrosePeak will go, she is a strong warrior, and has trained in places we have not. I choose her not as my Kit, but as a trusted Warrior of RiverClan " MistyStar announced, and the clan murmured in agreement. " PufferPelt, do you wish to come up here and tell the clan your choice? " MistyStar asked, and PufferPelt nodded, slowly climbing up to the WetRock. " R-RiverClan, as your Star, I understand my destiny to protect my clan, and all of them. I want to take a cat who I know can relate to my gift struggles " PufferPelt started, and the cats around him murmured in confusion. " I want to Take GrassPelt with me. I know he is our deputy, but I know he is a honorable choice " PufferPelt announced, and the clan murmured in agreement. " MistyStar, I would be honored to go...if that is, you will let me " GrassPelt meowed. " i can not disagree with what PufferPelt says, yes, GrassPelt. You may go with them. " MistyStar agreed. " May I choose the deputy who covers for me while I am gone...I know who I want to take my place " GrassPelt asked; and MistyStar nodded. " Cats of RiverClan! While I am gone, I wish for MossPelt to take over for me, she was my mentor, and I know she will help my Clan while I am gone " GrassPelt announced, and MossPelt stood up " I would be honored " MossPelt meowed, and the clan cheered. " Come our chosen, we depart for the Gathering island now. Say your farewells. " MistyStar meowed, and headed down to the camp exit. PufferPelt jumped down, and rubbed his head on DownPebbles. " Take care, don't get into fights, please " PufferPelt mumbled. " I can take care of myself silly goose, now go, I'll miss you " DownPebble purred. PufferPelt walked up to LakeShine and smiled " Take care, Young PufferPelt " LakeShine purred, and the kits ran up to him. " Can you bring us back something! " HawkKit asked. " I'll try, I promise " PufferPelt giggled. IceWing and MintFur came up to him next. " Take care bud, we will miss you a lot" MintFur said, smiling proudly. " May Earth guide you " IceWing purred. " Thank you, If the kits are born before I'm back, I congratulate you " PufferPelt chuckled. " come on you three! " MistyStar called, and PufferPelt nodded and ran off toward his mother.

As they arrived at the Gathering island, the other four leaders where there. CrowStar has BreezePelt and SunStrike. RowanStar with ScorpionHeart, DawnRise, and OliveNose. LeafStar with PickleStem, ParsleySeed, and BellaLeaf. And finally FireStar, with DoveWing and HollyStalk. " We wish you all the best of luck on your journey " FireStar announced. " When we saw Midnight, she was at the Sun-Drown place....the quickest way there is through WindClan territory, I don't think you will mind letting them pass, will you CrowStar " RowanStar spoke, and turned his head CrowStar. " Of course, if any of my warriors see you, tell them you have permission, and if they still don't, come to me, and I'll talk to them " CrowStar mumbled. " Then we are off, we won't let you down! " ScorpionHeart announced, and the leaders nodded. PufferPelt smiled, and PickleStem and ScorpionHeart joined his side, together they all lead the patrol into the rising sun to WindClan territory.

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