Chapter 4 [First Task]

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Your first orders were provided to you the next day.






"I'd like for you to work as an assistant for one of the executives. Protect him at all times, and generally, just look out for him. He's quite the stubborn one."


"Me?... Look out for an executive?..."


"Yes, indeed."

You were given the room number that you were ordered to visit, and you were soon clothed in formal attire and travelling through the dorm corridors.

ykw idek if the port mafia building has dorms, but imma just assume that coz it's a fatass building and they've gotta fit dorms for the executives bc it just makes sense

Your gaze was drawn to the room numbers, and you arrived at the one you needed to see shortly. You knocked on the door and stood there, carrying a clipboard in your hands, waiting.

The sound of the door unlocking and opening drew your attention.

With the most haggard look on his face, the gentleman standing at the door was brushing his teeth. The fact that he wasn't too tall, wore a hat, and had a large cast on his wrist could only indicate one thing.





This man, Chuuya, dropped his toothbrush on the ground and raced directly towards you, assuming it was an attack coming from the agency.

The next thing you know, you're being held down in the dorm hall by an enraged red-headed short ass.


"Woah!... Is it okay for you to be battling with such an injury?"


"Be quiet, you gave this to me!"


"... I did?"

The phone in Chuuya's pocket began to ring just as he raised his fist to beat your face.

He froze, then loosened his hand and took his phone from his pocket.


"... Are you really going to answer a call instead of finishing me off?..."


"Shh!... It's from my boss."



Mori's voice could be heard on the other end of the line. Based on Chuuya's reaction, you'd think he found out what was given to him.

Mori had informed Chuuya everything about why you were there, including how you are now an enemy of Dazai and the Agency, in order to pique Chuuya's curiosity.

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