Chapter 16 [Tram]

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Chuuya glanced at the assassin's blades from a distance once again, while the assassin banged them against one another, pleading for a battle.


"You son of a bitch... You coated it with poison, didn't you?"

The assassin could only grin. Chuuya was obliged to flee, he had no other option. He felt like an idiot for escaping from someone like him. But he knew it was best for your health, and he couldn't battle someone on the top of a packed tram. There was also the matter of him carrying you in the process.


"Don't think that we're done here."

Chuuya returned his attention to the assassin, attempting to recollect his features. Chuuya then took a step back, you in his arms, and leapt off the tram. Chuuya dashed to R/N, knowing that the assassin was already on his tail.



Chuuya screamed, violently slamming the doors to the masquerade ball open. When he arrived, the whole masquerade ball was shrouded with police tape, and the only people there were one masquerade dancer and a squad of police. The masquerade dancer was briefing a policewoman about the scalpel stabbing event; the scalpel had the assassin's fingerprints all over it.

Policewoman 1

"Can I help you?"

Policewoman 2

"He's got an injured person!"

Masquerade Dancer

"That's them! That's the person that got stabbed with the scalpel!"


"Is that so?"


"Yes, this dancer isn't lying... I and they are R/N's bodyguards. The assassin tried running away, but we chased after him. This resulted in my partner getting two scratches on their face, but the assassin's blades were covered in some sort of... Poison."

Policewoman 1



"I'm afraid so. And um... Just asking, where did R/N go?"


"He was escorted back to his home. He's safe now, so you don't need to worry."

Chuuya sighed with relief.

This meant Chuuya could be at your side as you were taken to the hospital.

He couldn't accompany you in the ambulance, so he requested that a cab pick him up and transport you there. Chuuya took an eternity to get to the hospital because of the terrible traffic. In the vehicle, he tapped his feet frantically.

He hurried through the corridors and located your room as soon as he arrived.



In addition to Chuuya's thumping, loud heartbeat, he could hear the heart rate monitor beeping at a perfectly normal pace. He couldn't be more overjoyed. After holding his breath for so long, he exhaled and slouched against the door of your room.

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