Chapter 22 [Train Car]

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"Wait!... I'd like to know what you're up to down here..."


"And why do you want to know?"


"... Did you come here for us?"


"Eugh, gross. We were supposed to rid of thieves in the mine, but then you showed up and both I and Chuuya have wanted to put all of you six feet under for a while now."


"We were assigned the same exact job..."


"When you say it like that, you... Don't sound like Y/N."


"You've changed, Y/N. A lot."


"I wonder whose fault that is."

You locked your focus on Dazai's eyes, clearly aiming this statement toward him.

Because you were in a cave, this would be simple.

You just took out a bomb and tossed it on the ground, without explicitly targeting the agency members. The floor began to crumble, and some of the roofs of the cave began to fall.

Chuuya grasped your hand and ran as fast as he could, forcing you to go at the same pace as him.

You laid a massive, long chain of bombs that were detonated once Chuuya was able to get you out of there. You and Chuuya both watched as the cave was blown up.


"Haha! You think we got them?"


"Definitely! But to make sure..."

Chuuya used his abilities to elevate every single boulder that fell on top of the agency members, then had them fall back down to crush them even more.

Atsushi emerged from the rubble. His clothing was shredded, and his face resembled that of a tiger. A very... Fucking hideous ass tiger.

okay as much as i love atsushi, i will never appreciate the fact that he looks so fucking hideous when he uses his were tiger ability


"Oh... Seems like we didn't get that one."

Atsushi, the transformed were-tiger, leaped on top of you. You were pushed into a nearby lake as a consequence of this unexpected and overwhelming impact.


Shit! They don't know how to swim!

While drowning, you attempted to pull Atsushi off of you. In a panic, you attempted to detonate your explosives in the water, which... Obviously did not go as planned. Chuuya sprang into the air, then dove into the water, striking Atsushi's neck in the process. Chuuya then pulled you from the water.


"Can you breathe?!"


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