Chapter 18 [Assassin Down]

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Chuuya was already prepared. He leaped far away from Lucas, and you threw your bomb like it was a baseball. You didn't take cover since you knew the bomb wouldn't hit you, you were already used to dropping bombs. The only issue was the smoke, it didn't allow you to see anything.


"Did you get him?..."

After a prolonged silence, you heard faint but perceptible racing footsteps and upped your guard.


"Apparently not!"

Even more infuriated, the assassin broke through the smoke, sprinting with the two blades in his hands.

First, he made a point of throwing one blade toward Chuuya as quickly as he could. Chuuya didn't dodge as effectively as he used to since he didn't detect this immediately.

The blade did not strike him, but the hood of his hoodie did. Chuuya's hood and the blade were both attached to the wood on the wall. But, like Chuuya's hoodie, he was also attached to the wall. He dangled from the blade, his feet scarcely touching the ground owing to his height.



Chuuya was attempting to remove the blade to get down, but his hands were unable to reach it. He was only inches away from grabbing the blade. Lucas went straight at you with the only blade left after throwing his other.

Lucas literally leaped on you and slammed you onto the counter. Pain struck your back with great force as you were being pushed against the ledge of the counter. He clutched the handle of his blade with both hands, suggesting he had greater power and swung it down. You panicked and grabbed a splintered piece of one of the chairs to fight against his blade.



You could see the anguish on Lucas' face as he tried to break through the chair piece with his blade.

Chuuya employed his ability but was still unable to escape. There was nothing he could do; he couldn't even touch the blade.

The sound of gritting teeth was aggravating and loud; you wanted it to stop. So, with one hand, you immediately seized one of the glasses you and Chuuya had set aside and rammed it into his face.

The sound of shattered glass rang, Lucas dropped his sword to the ground, and you hurried to rescue Chuuya.


"Jeez, are you really that short?"


"Hey, don't blame me! He's got good aim!..."

Looking back, Lucas was locked in place, his hands around his own neck. Glass fragments and blood were all over his face and body, and his eyes were abnormally dilated. He shakily grovelled, grabbed his blade, and stood up.


"Damn... No way he's actually gonna pass out because of a glass..."

Lucas took a step forward, struggling to maintain his balance, and then another. It had only taken two simple steps for him to succumb, coughing himself to death. Lucas' throat scorched, and he dropped his sword once more to hold his throat.

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