Chapter 7 [Opioid]

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You waited nearly seven hours at Chuuya's dorm for him. You got a call at 4:00 a.m., evidently, Chuuya needed further assistance going to his dorm because he had taken an opioid and wasn't acting normally at all.

You dashed down to the lower levels, thanked those who had assisted Chuuya, and then placed Chuuya's arm around yours to aid him in walking. But he was such a nuisance, he was moving around so much that he almost knocked both of you over.


"Chuuya- You literally just got stabbed... I get it you were drugged with an opioid, but how strong was it?!"


"As strong as a... A..."

You lifted him up off the ground, but he began laughing hysterically and didn't stop until he returned to the dorm.


"Jeez, Chuuya."




"Yeah, exactly."

He wouldn't stop slouching even if you gently placed him on the couch.


"Chuuya- At least try getting some sleep!"


"Sleep!... Isn't important..."


"You know what- Chuuya, I'm going to shower. You stay here."


"Fine!... Be that way then..."

You sighed and wiped your face with your palms before retrieving a few items and your towel from your luggage and searching for the bathroom.


"How about... We- We shower together?..."




"Come on! It will- Save time!... And... You've got a... Whatever it's called on your leg."


"Chuuya, it's fine, I'll wash the wound out myself. For now, focus on getting rest, please."

Chuuya arose drowsily from his slumber on the couch and went up to you, getting fairly... close to your face.


"Ye-Yeah... Let's shower together!... A... Bubble bath... Yea-"

With his hand, he gripped the point of your chin. You thought it was funny how he said all these things. Chuuya, Chuuya Nakahara, was asking for a bubble bath with his assistant, with whom he had only worked for one day. Not even a day - A single night.


"Hm, I didn't know you were into those kinds of things, Chuuya."

You continued to the restroom while moving his hand away from your face. Soon enough, you finished doing what you needed to do in the bathroom.

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