Chapter 23 [Forest]

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there's angst in this and the next few chapters, whether you like it or not 🥰


You sat there, Chuuya curled up on your chest and your hands resting on his head. You were both feeling better now that you weren't freezing in the cold.

The train had already stopped moving by the time daybreak arrived. You awoke still weary and in the same position. You heard a man speaking from an unknown direction, and his voice only became louder. He was nearing your train car.


"... Chuuya!..."

You whisper-yelled. You were attempting to shake him awake.


"... Huh?..."

He carefully raised his head away from your chest, embracing you for support. The door to the train car swung open, and...

Man 1

"Oh god- I told you this would happen."

Man 2

*Sigh* "It's good that nothing in these crates were too fragile."

Man 1

"What, was the train conductor just violently driving this thing?"

Man 1 and Man 2 saw the crates strewn around the train car, as well as the blanket laid out in the middle. Chuuya and you were standing directly on the railway car's roof. You observed the men upside down.

Man 2

"It's fine. We've got the stuff now, and nothing's broken... From what I've checked."

You and Chuuya hurried out of there, laughing, as soon as the two men departed.


"Hey, you know what I've noticed?"




"You haven't used that uncontrollable ability of yours for a long time now."


"Oh... Right. Well, I'd rather not use it. Probably never again. Tell me, Chuuya, how are you so good at controlling yours? I've had mine ever since I was a kid, and was never able to control it once."


"Oh- You think I'm good at controlling it? Heh, are you blind?"


"Hm? I'm being serious! You're able to use your ability without going completely berserk."


"Well, that's only what you've seen."


"... What do you mean by that?"


"There have been... A couple of times where I went out of control."

As the two of you attempted to make your way out of the forest, Chuuya began kicking twigs around.


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