Chapter 14 [Repeatedly]

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"Yes! Thank you!"

That day felt so endless, despite the fact that the two of you did nothing but wander around Vegas.


"Chuuya, I know it's the end of the day but... Would you consider laying off the wine tonight? This is your... 8th glass now..."


"Don't worry!... I'm fine... Just one more glass..."

Chuuya sat beside the couch, consuming wine nonstop while you washed the dishes.

You approached him and snatched the bottle of wine and his glass from him.




"Your glass is the last thing that needs to get cleaned. I'm cleaning it now, you should start washing up to get to bed."


"To bed?... But I'm not sleepy..."


"Oh, are you sure about that?"

You stared down at his red, flushed face; he was clearly drunk. In displeasure, he looked up at you.



He complained like a child, slumped over, and then collapsed on the couch.


*Sigh* Well at least Chuuya sleeping here is better than him sleeping in my bed.

You didn't want to deal with him, so you left him on the sofa while you went to sleep in your room.

The following day, Tuesday was the same. You got breakfast once again, suited up, and left early in the morning. You looked all across Las Vegas and still couldn't find anything useful. 

You checked in on R/N from time to time, making sure the assassin hadn't targeted the hospital.


"Huh, so I guess that the assassin isn't aiming for the hospital?"


*Sigh* "Usually we would've found this target in 2 days... Why haven't we found them yet? Not to mention, we don't even have any more info about them..."


"Y/N, don't worry about it... Maybe the targets that we go for are so easy to find since we're used to searching all across Yokohama, and this place is different, so..."


"You have a point, but it still worries me..."

The next day, Wednesday, was practically the same. However, somewhere in the afternoon, you received a message informing you that you had been invited to a masquerade. You'd seen that R/N was being released from the hospital on Wednesday.


"Ah, I totally forgot that R/N wasn't in the hospital today... He just got out this morning."


"Did he really?"


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