Chapter 12 [Submerged]

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You and Chuuya stomped up to the bomber, furious. Chuuya clenched his fist and gripped the bomber's shoulder.



Chuuya swung his blow, but it was cut short before it could hit the bomber in the face again.


"What now?!"


"We aren't... Supposed to kill him. Remember?"

Chuuya's clearly irritated expression was suddenly filled with understanding. He stared at you before returning his attention to the bomber's bloodied and smashed face. He released the bomber's shoulder, allowing him to drop to the ground.



He brushed the dust off his hands. As he did so, you could hear police sirens and heavy footsteps approaching from a distance, and the sound of glass shattering grew louder and louder.


"Ah finally, they're he-"

Policeman 1

"Hands in the air!"

He aimed a gun at you, alternating between you and Chuuya.




"No sir, there's been a misunderstanding."

Policeman 2

"You two are the bombers, aren't you?"


"No, we defeated the bomber for-"

Policeman 3

"Stop with the nonsense!"

A swarm of other police officers emerged from the dust, pointing their pistols at you.

You both refused to raise your hands in the air. You weren't going to be held accountable for anything as heinous as this.

Policeman 4

"You- Be quiet!"

Policeman 4 whacked Policeman 3 on the back of the head. Policeman 4 was the only one who did not wield a gun at you.



Policeman 3

"Ow! What are you doing?!"

Policeman 4

"You idiot! Can you not see that these are the new bodyguards that R/N hired?!"


"Heh. Someone finally got it."

The cops glanced around, ashamed. They had just insulted R/N's bodyguards.

Policeman 3

"Ah! My apologies! I'm so very sorry, I really didn't know!"

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