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{This is a Brett Talbot fanfic. It takes place at the beginning of season 4. Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Wolf or the characters. I only own Skye Dunbar and some of the plot lines.}

(the face claim for Skye Dunbar is Anna Kendrick)

"It hurts until it stops, we will love until it's not. I'm a killing spree in white, eyes like broken Christmas lights" ~ Victorious- P!ATD

3rd person p.o.v

Skye Dunbar was the amazing lacrosse player, Liam Dunbar's younger sister. but was only younger by a day and two hours.

She shared the same love for lacrosse as he did. they even played on the Devenford Prep team together. that was until Liam got benched from the games. he had gotten a few red cards during some of the games, he couldn't help it, he couldn't control IED. Intermittent Explosive Disorder.

Because he had gotten mad at the coach for benching him so much, he smashed the Devenford Prep coach's car with a crow bar. He smashed it until you couldn't even tell it used to be a car. after he smashed it he spray painted the words 'this is your fault' on the side of it.

Which led to them getting kicked out of school. so now they have to attend a public school, Beacon Hills High.

Their parents looked at Liam like he was a monster. But Skye knew he wasn't, she might not admit it to his face but she loved her older brother.

they were best friends. Partners in crime as some people might call them. They were nearly inseparable sometimes, especially while they were practicing and training for lacrosse.

Liam knew he would make the lacrosse team at their new school. but Skye didn't know if they let girls on the team. Her old team almost didnt let her play. but when she showed the coach thy she was better then almost all the guys. except for two, Liam of course who was just a little better. And Liam's worst enemy, Brett Talbot.

Brett was a cocky lacrosse player that thought he was better then everyone else. even Skye would admit that he was good at lacrosse.

but Brett acted like he was Jesus, which annoyed her and Liam to no end. she knew that the next time Liam played against him, Brett would be never ending taunting him and trying to make him angry. Which wasn't that hard.

They had finally reached their new high school, it was a sunny California day. Which means lacrosse tryouts would be held after school.

The Dunbar siblings knew that Beacon Hills High didn't have good equipment so they always kept theirs in their lockers.

So when the time came for lacross tryouts they hurriedly grabbed the equipment and headed towards the field. "You ready for this?" Liam asked as they got to the field.

Skye put on her goalies mask and walked into the goal, "puh-lease, I was born for this" she said as her and Liam practiced at there normal fast speed pace.

They could hear some of the players gasping and whispering about them. she didn't know if it was because they were amazing at the sport or because a girl was better then almost everyone on the team.

When the real tryouts started they had to run twenty suicide laps, two long distance runs and do about two laps around half of the field.

Most of the boys collapsed after the first long distance lap. but some if them made it till the last half lap.

Skye and Liam were still pumping with adrenaline after all the running so when the coach told them to do push-ups they did. while everyone but them were laying on the ground they could hear what coach was saying about the others. "pathetic" "horrifying" and many others.

After a few minutes he made everyone stand up and form a line in front if the goal. he said that they had to make it into the goal without going any closer to it. First was the supposed team captain who missed by about a couple inches. then was his best friend who missed by a lot.

When finally it was Liam's turn he made it perfectly into the goal and did that about two more times before it was Skye's turn, she did the same as her brother did and laughed when she heard almost all of the guys gasping.

After that, there was no one else who scored. "Are you sure Scott McCall is team captain?" Skye asked Liam. Skye was confused because she had thought that the team captain was supposed to be the best player, or at least good. from what he had seen he was neither.

Coach had declared what the last thing they had to do before tryouts were over. they had to get the ball into the goal after getting past the team captain and his pale friend. Skye thought it was going to be easy for her as she watched every guy other then Liam fail.

When Liam had the ball he ran at almost full speed and ran past Stiles. and turned at the last second when Scott was about to block him. he swiftly made it into the goal. Skye cheered for her brother as she heard someone from the bleachers yell, "that was luck! Do over!". "Honey, This is practice there are no do overs" coach yelled. "ten bucks on Scott and Stiles!" "I'll take that action" coach said as he motioned for Liam to go agian.

This time Liam wasn't as swift as he was te first time. he easily got passed Stiles, but when he came to Scott he was put down and a loud crack filled their ears.

There Liam lay, with his ankle starting to turn purple as he tried to stand up. Skye ran over to her brother as Scott and Stiles put his weight on their shoulders as they helped him up. "back! Everyone get back!" Coach yelled. "I think we should take him to the nurse" coach nodded as Scott, Skye, and Stiles walked off the field.

[not edited]

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