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I finished packing my things I was vlogging of course, it distracted me from wanting to cry or actually pay attention to what was happening. A lot of my friends had come by to say goodbye but no sign of Matt. I closed my suit case and put it in the moving van I was definitely going to miss this place so many memories. It wasn't like we were taking all our stuff mostly just clothes and things we wanted to keep.

"Astrid" I heard someone say, I quickly turned and saw Matt I ran to him and hugged him. "I promise I'll keep in touch and I'll be moving there" he said.

"I know" I said.

"Tell me if you meet Kylie Jenner cause her Vines and YouTube videos are on fleek" he said.

( okay btw Kylie in this book isn't a model she's a YouTuber not model surprise bitch )

I chuckled, "okay Matt" I said. After a while I sighed, "I have to go, I'm sorry" I said.

He nodded understandingly "is it bad that I don't want to let go of your hand?" He asked.

I shook my head "bye best friend" he said letting go as a began walking away.

"Bye Matt" I whispered with tears beginning to form in my eyes.


"Guys I have arrived to California" I said to the camera.

"Aaron?!" I called out wondering where he was.

"Boo!" he yelled popping out of nowhere. I glared at him and he smiled.

"I don't like airports" I said to the camera. "There's to many people" I added.

We were driving to the house that our parents were living in. "So this is where our parents live in California" I said showing them.

"Calabasas" Aaron sang.

Our parents were "surprisingly" not home. Of course they practically lived at work. I showed them around the house kind of like a house tour except only one room had all the furniture the other rooms were empty and they barley had anything in the living and dining room. "Aaron when they bought this were they planing on us moving here?" I asked turning off the camera.

He looked down and nodded, "why didn't you tell me Aaron?" I asked shaking my head. "I could've at least been prepared and maybe cried less" I said.

"I'm sorry I didn't want you to be all sad and you wouldn't have done anything" he said.

I looked down at my phone.


M- We won't be home until late at night I'm glad your home with us.

I shook my head, couldn't they at least be home, and I couldn't call it home when I've been here for 1 hour.

"In n out will cheer you up" Aaron said I looked up and smiled.


"We are at In n Out and I'm super happy" I said to the camera. "People are staring at me" I said. We ordered our food then I started randomly talking to the camera. "I think I should do more vlogs" I said putting a fry in my mouth.

I gave Aaron my phone so he could take a picture I posed with my drink. "See that's the smile I want to see" he said.

"Gross" I said he glared at me, "I'm kidding" I said laughing lightly.

Maybe moving to California wasn't going to be so bad, they were new people I could meet.

Mattchew Calling

"Hey Astrid I miss you" he said.

"Same guess where I'm at?"

"In n Out I saw your Instagram" he said.

"Do you have my notifications on?" I asked laughing.

"Maybe" he said.

"I'm honored The Matthew Espinosa has my notifications on" I said fake crying.

"Your so weird" he said laughing. "Well I just called to make sure you were okay and just enjoy it you may miss me and all of your friends but have fun because living there is an opportunity" he said" I'll talk to you when I can bye fam" he said.

"Bye" I said then hung up.

"Your so weird" he told me.

"Thank you I don't try" I said.

"That makes no sense" he said.

"I know I couldn't think of a good comeback" I said.


Hey so yeah they moved so early in the book I know I suck ass.

Not really I don't suck ass I'm to young.


Jesus where you at🙏🏼

Oh I have a question you know the default ringtone on an iPhone? Yeah am I the only who jams out to that?

// Princess Gabriela Out🙏🏼✌🏻️

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