Chapter 3

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We walked in the room and I told them I was going to sit in the couch they nodded I sat down and man I was tired of all that dancing and trying to look for the unknown triplets I closed my eyes and laidback my head in the couch I picked my head up and then I went on my phone to checked how I looked in my camera a random person joined me on the couch but I didn't pay much attention to it and kept looking at my phone after I was done I put  my phone down and  looked to see who was sitting next to me and I saw a brown headed boy with his turned head looking at the clock in the wall checking what time it was
I broke the silence

Y/n-So what time is it
He turned around and smiled
?- oh it's 11:30
Y/n-Just curious don't you have a phone to check the time
?- oh yeah I forgot about that
We laughed
I noticed that he has very beautiful blue eyes and a contagious sense of laughter and a nice smile
Alahna and Madi came up to me

Alahna- I see that you met Chris
Y/n-Chris who's Chris
Madi - the person you sitting next to silly
I turned and look at Chris
Y/n-well nice to meet you chris
Chris - nice to meet you too
He look at me
Y/n-Oh yeah my name is y/n
Chris -Nice to meet you y/n
Madi - I will be right back imma get your brothers Chris
Chris - okay
Alahna- scooch over
I moved over next to Chris and Alahna took a seat next to me
Chris - so y/n where are you from
Y/n-oh I'm from Boston Massachusetts
Chris: your kidding me and my brothers are from  there too
Y/n-Omg for real
Chris- yess look here they come

Madi walks over with two other boys
?- hello
?- hey
Madi - here they are
Y/n-Hi I'm y/n
?- nice to meet you y/n I'm Matt
Y/n-Nice to meet you too Matt
? - and I'm nick nice to meet you y/n
Y/n-Nice to meet you nick
Nick - okay before you ask I'm gay
I giggle
Y/n-good to know I love you already
Nick - haha she loves me already ( sticks his tongue out to Chris and Matt )
We all laugh
I stand up from the couch and so does Chris and Madi sits on the couch with Alahna
Chris - guys guess where she is from ( talking to Matt and nick)
Matt&nick - where
Chris - Boston Massachusetts
Nick - no wayyy
Y/n-Yesss wayyy
Matt- what a coincidence
Y/n-I know right
Nick - omg I love you already ( while he swings his arm around me )
Chris and Matt laugh
Nick - we are going to be best friends
Y/n-Yesss we are

𝙶𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚜 - 𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜 𝚂𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘Where stories live. Discover now