Chapter 18

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Chris- what ever you say
Previous chapter ^^^^

I roll my eyes at Chris
The waiter comes to get the bill she takes it
Y/n- omg guys we forgot to leave a tip
Nick- oh yeah
Y/n- I got it imma but it in the table
Matt- okay it's settled let's go
We make our way to the van and Matt started driving to madis house

Time skip to when we get in madis house

We all got out of the van and entered madis house and we all went to the guest room and I immediately
Jumped in me and chris bed
Y/n- ahh I missed this bed
Chris jumps in the bed too next to me
Chris-ahhh this feels nice
Y/n- mhm
Nick- okay weirdos
Y/n- we aren't weird we are just laying in this bed what are you Jealous Nicholas
Nick- oh no you didn't juts call me by my full name
Y/n- oh yes I did
He turns his back to me
I get up and jump on nicks back
Nick laughs
I get off his back
Y/n- okay that was fun
Madi- okay what do y'all want to do
Alahna- yeah cause I'm kinda bored not going to lie
Matt- yeah what should we do
Y/n: I know
Matt- what
Y/n- sleep
Chris - why did I know that you were going to say that
Y/n- idk
Chris- y'all down to film a video
Matt-yeah but what video
Nick- oh we just do a challenge like the cupcakes one
Y/n- I wanna do that
Matt- good idea nick
Madi- oh I seen Alahna do it
Alahna- yeah it was a lot of fun competing with Matt and Chris  obviously me and nick won
Chris-nah bro me and Matt definitely won
Nick- no y'all didn't
Y/n- fight fight
Madi- The girls are fighting
Me and Madi laugh
Y/n- okay calm down ladies
They laugh
Matt- okay let's go buy the things because I'm pretty madi doesn't have cupcake mix
Madi- you go that right
Chris- to target
Nick- to target
We left the house got in the car and Matt drove us to target time passed and we got to target we got out of the car and walked in target
Y/n- I'm super excited for this video what are we doing just competing on who has the better cupcakes
Nick-oh sweetie your going to be blindfolded
Y/n- wait what (I nervously laugh)
Alahna- I think nick forgot to mention that
Nick-yeah I forgot to mention that sorry
Matt- okay so who's wants to compete
Madi- I guess me and y/n
Y/n- yeah me and Madi it's sounds fun
Chris- I will be y/n guide
Alahna- I'm madis
Matt- I will be with y/n
Nick- and I'm with my bae Madi
Y/n- okay it's settled
We started walking to the baking aisle
Y/n- ouu what cupcakes batter should I get
Chris-idk they all look good
Y/n- I know
Madi- they all look good
Y/n-that's what I'm saying
Nick-at this point let's grab all of them
Matt- for real let's have a bake sale
Y/n- omg we should
Chris- just get vanilla  or birthday cake or whatever it is the one with sprinkles
Y/n- omg I know what your talking about let's get that
Chris- yay yummy
Madi- umm I'm getting...... red velvet
Y/n- yummy
We got all the ingredients that we needed and we went to go pay after we paid we went to the car and drove back to madis house after a few minutes we got to madis house and we started to set the ingredients in the counter
Chris-let me get the camera
Chris comes back and he gives the camera to nick to set the camera up
Matt-madis do you have anything so we can blindfold you and y/n
Madi- yeah hold on let me go get some
nick- okay the camera is set we just need the blind folds
Madi comes back with the blindfolds
Nick- okay we are ready to start
Nick starts recording

This is the video I'm talking about guys ^^^
Just pretend the ones baking is y/n and Madi and Matt and Chris are giving y/n directions and to the same for Madi but nick and Alahna giving directions to Madi

We got done filming the video
Y/n- okay that was fun
Madi- yeah super fun
Y/n- you know who won........ both of us
Madi- I was about to say
Me and Madi laugh
Y/n- okay I'm tired
Chris- yeah
Nick- time to sleep
Alahna- ouu my sleep is very important
Matt- right I that it very serious
Y/n- okay let's go to sleep
Alahna- you don't have to tell me again

We all start getting ready for bed After are done we all get in our beds
Y/n- feels so nice to lay down
Chris- right
We are whispering
Chris wraps his arms around me and I lay me head down his chest and I slowly drift away to sleep

To be continued.......

I'm back and I'm going to upload like I normally do and remember to vote and comment lovelies

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