Chapter 10

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We started to walk back to madis house
Previous chapter ^^^

We got to madis house and we went into the guest rooom where everyone was in

Y/n- hey guysss
Chris- we are back
Madi- oh my gosh I was worried
Alahna- y'all almost gave us a heart attack
Nick- yeah don't just disappear out of nowhere
Madi- yeah next time let us know
Y/n- yeah we will for sure next time
Chris- we just forgot to tell y'all
Y/n- but anyways here is y'all's ice cream
Nick- yummy
Me and Chris went to go sit in the bed we are sharing and started to finish our ice cream since we didn't finish our ice cream in the shop and we all started to watch outer banks

Chris thoughts/POV

Me and y/n went to sit in the bed we were sharing and we started to finish our ice cream after a few minutes we finished our ice cream
Chris- give me your trash so I can throw it away
Y/n hands me her trash
Y/n- thank you Chris
Chris- yup
I went to go throw our trash away
Chris thoughts
Man we have a lot in common it's crazy that in one day you can meet a person and already have a lot in common with eachother I'm glad Matt and nick convinced me to go to that party of it wasn't for them I would of never met y/n and also thanks to Matt I met y/n because he invited Alahna man I think I actually like her
Back to his POV
I start walking back to the room I see y/n laying down in the bed I go and laid next to her Madi ,nick , and Matt where still awake plus me and y/n
Chris- hey scoot over a bit
Y/n- okay
Chris- are you sleepy
Y/n- yeah a little umm Chris .....
Chris- yeah
Y/n- can I lay on your chest
Chris- yeah
Y/n lays in my chest
Chris thoughts
Man I never knew that I could feel like this I got a feeling in my stomach but I don't know what it is

Back to y/n POV

Chris went to go throw away our trash I was starting to get a little sleepy So I lay down in the bed then Chris comes
Chris- hey scoot over a bit
Y/n- okay
Chris- are you sleepy
Y/n- yeah a little umm Chris
I was thinking if I should say it
Chris - yeah
Y/n- can I lay in your chest
I finally let the words out hoping he will say yes
Chris- yeah
I lay in his chest
Y/n thoughts
I wonder what he is thinking right now man I never knew that I can feel this safe with a person I just met in literally one day I'm glad I met him I don't I feel comfortable with him even though it just been one day of knowing him and we also have a lot in common
Chris POV
And she fell asleep in my chest and I started to get a little sleepy after a few minutes of watching outer banks then ......
Nick POV
Nick - Madi look (whispering )
Madi- omg they are so cute
Nick signs to Matt to look
Matt- omg they are so cute
Madi- I ship
Nick- me too
Matt- me three
Madi- let's try to get them together
Nick- yess hold on Matt come over here
Matt comes
Matt- yes
Madi- let's try and get them together
Matt- yes i want them together
Madi- yeah I think y/n likes Chris
Nick- omg really I think Chris likes y/n
Matt- okay I agree but let's give them some time
Madi- yeah cause we don't want to jump into conclusions
Matt- right

To be continued.......

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