Chapter 23

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I put my head in Chris shoulder and closed my eyes
Previous chapter ^^^

I wake up to someone shaking me I slowly open my eyes and I see nick
Nick- y/n chris wake up
Nick- we landed come on wake up
Me and Chris stood up and grabbed our things and started following nick and Matt we got out of the plane
Y/n-it's too early for this I can't even think
We got off of the airplane and start walking to the airport and we went to go get our luggage we got our luggage and started walking to the restroom because Matt needs to use it
Y/n-okay I'm going to wash my face so I can wake up
I go in the restroom to wash my face and I realize that I forgot to tell my mom I was coming home I get out of the restroom and quickly text my mom and she didn't answer
Nick-yeah what happened
Y/n- so I kinda forgot to tell my mom that I was coming home today and I have no one to pick me up
Matt- oh that's fine our mom is picking us up and I'm sure she won't mind to drop you off
Y/n- omg thank you guys so much my mom is probably asleep y'all are life saver
Nick- what can we say
I giggle
Chris- come on guys let's go mom says she is here
Nick- okay let's go
We start walking out of the airport
Chris-come on guys I see mom
We follow Chris
They all hug their mom at once
Chris- hey mom
Matt- I missed you
Nick- hiii mom
They all pull away
And she turns to look at mee
Y/n-hi Mrs. sturniolo
Mrs.sturniolo- you must be y/n I have heard so much about you come here
She pulls me into a hug and I hug her back
Y/n- it's a pleasure to meet you
Mary Lou - and please call me marylou
Y/n-will do
Chris- mom can we actually give y/n a ride because her mom isn't able to come
Marylou- oh of course sweetie get in the car
Y/n- thank you so much it means a lot
Mary Lou- anytime
I go to the trunk to go put my suitcase
Chris-here let me help you
Y/n-thank you
I go and get in the car
Marylou - sweetie do you think your mom will mind if you stay at our house so y'all can rest because y'all must be tired
Y/n- umm I'm not sure let me ask
Marylou - oh you can give me her number and I will tell her that you are perfectly safe and going to be staying with us for today
Y/n- okay
I give Marylou my moms phone number
Marylou-Matt can you grab me my phone and type that
Matt- yes mom
I texted my mom and she said it was fine and that she has to talk to their mom
Y/n- oh my mom said that it's fine and if she can talk to you on the phone
Marylou- tell her of course and that I will give her a call as soon as possible
Y/n- will do
We got to their house and we got our suitcases out of the trunk and we got them inside of there house
Marylou-okay I will go give your mother a call and make yourself at home and don't be afraid to ask anything or to ask for anything
Y/n- okay thank you for everything Marylou
Marylou-of course
Chris-come on let's go
I follow Chris
Chris- so this is my room
Y/n- ouu I like it
Chris- I'm going to lay down
Y/n- okay I'm going to lay with you
Matt knocks on the door and asks if he can come in we say yes and Matt and nick come in
Nick- okay that was tiring
I sit up
Y/n-y'alls mom is so sweet I love her
Chris- yeah I think our mom loves you already
I giggle
Nick- yeah I think she does too
Matt-okay I'm going to leave y'all because I'm going to go to sleep I'm so tired
Nick- yeah me too
They get up and and before they do nick says
Nick- okay bye guys have fun but not to much fun (he says and him and Matt laugh)
Chris-oh shut up guys
I giggle
They close the door
Chris- let turn the light off so we can go to sleep
He turns the lights off and comes back to lay down with me and we cuddle and I drift away to sleep

To be continued.....
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