Chapter 6

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Nick - yeah I got like I got goosebumps when y'all did that previous chapter ^^^^

me and chris looked at eachother
chris - okay we promise we won't
Y/n-yeah we promise we wont (as we continue to laugh)
Alahna- so what song do y'all want and don't say it at the same time
Chris- so what song do you want y/n
Y/n-Umm well I was thinking "I" or "Red roses"
Chris- oh my lord I love you
I giggle
Nick- yeah I bet you do
Matt- yeah what nick said I bet you do
Chris- oh shut up
Alahna puts red roses on and me and Chris start to sing our lungs out to red roses

Time skip to McDonald's

We got out of the car and walk in McDonald's we all ordered food and payed also they gave us our cups we went to go find a place to sit and after we went to go fill our cups

Nick- omg imma get sweet tea
Y/n-I'm getting Pepsi
Matt- me too
Chris - omg me too
Alahna- not me too
Madi- yeah not me too
We laugh and continue to get our drinks
We went to go sit down after we got our drinks after a few minutes we got our food
Y/n-Okay guys before I eat I'm going to use the restroom
Madi- I will go with you
Alahna - yeah me too
Nick - okay guys let's go wash our hands
We all stand up and go use the restroom
I washed my hands while Alahna and Madi use the restroom maid and Alahna wash their hands
Y/n-Omg guys let's take a picture
Madi - ouuu yess
We took a few pictures in the mirror

Alahna- we have to talk to you y/n
Madi- oh yeah I almost forgot
Y/n-Wait what happened guys
Alahna gives me a look
Y/n-What happened y'all are getting me worried
Madi- okay don't get worried it's nothing to be worried about
Alahna- yeah
Y/n-So what is it
Madi- well you and Chris
Y/n-What about me and Chris
Alahna- y'all look like y'all like eachother
Y/n-Guys I just met him
Madi- yeah but y'all also have a lot in common
Y/n-Yeah I did notice that
Alahna- I like y'all together
Madi- yeah you guys are like made for eachother
Y/n-Oh shut up I'm pretty sure it's just a coincidence that we like the same things plus we don't wanna jump into conclusions yet
Alahna- yeah that too but I'm pretty sure he likes you
Y/n-Again let's not jump into conclusions

(Okay we are going to switch into Chris pov)

Me, nick and Matt go into the restroom to wash our hands
Matt- chrissss
He says in a high tone
Chris - yess
Matt- oh it's nothing I just noticed something
Chris- what did you notice
Matt calls nick over and whispers something into nick ear
Nick- oh yeah we noticed something
Chris- oh so it's we now
Matt- anyway
Nick- do you like y/n
Chris - like her I love her
Matt- hmm
Chris - what was the hmm for
Nick- interesting
Chris - y'all are being suspicious
Nick- okay whatever let's just tell him
Chris - tell me what
Matt- we think you like y/n
Chris - me
Nick- yes you Chris who else
Chris - i don't know guys I just met her
Matt- dude are you dumb y'all clearly like eachother and have a lot in common
Chris - woah you mean I like her cause we don't know if she like me
Nick - ahahah so you do like her
Chris - yeah
Nick- y'all are like made for eachother y'all both like lil skies and pepsi and probably more things that we don't know of
Chris - okay anyways let's go
Matt- yeah I think we took a long time discussing this
Chris- yeah let's talk about this later

Back to y/n pov

Me and the girls get out of the restroom and also the guys get out at the same time as well
We look at eachother and laugh and go to our seats and start eating

Y/n-Another coincidence
Nick- yeah is getting out of the restroom at the same time
Alahna- omg I'm so ready to dig in
Matt- right
We all stuff our mouths and start eating
Y/n-I was so hungry
Madi- me too
Y/n-Guys so when are we going to film this youtube
Nick- oh when we are done eating
Chris - oh let me post on our Instagram story for them to name things and we say if they are overrated or under rated
Matt - sound like a good idea
Y/n-Yeah it does

Time skip to when we are done eating and we go back to the car to start filming the YouTube video

To be continued....

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