Chapter 30

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After a few minutes we got everything in the table That I have in the living room and we sit in the couch and we binge watch movies and shows
Previous chapter ^^^

Nick-okay I'm starting to get tired
Matt-yeah me too that mini pizza was so good
Y/n-Matt and his mini pizza
Chris-he sure loves his mini pizza
Matt-yes sirr
Nick-okay I'm about to sleep in this couch
Matt-I know your couch is very comfortable y/n
Y/n-ummm thank you
I giggle
Chris-hey are getting tired
Y/n-a little
Chris- I won't mind if you fall asleep on me
Y/n-okay I will think about falling asleep on you
Nick-oh y/n
Nick stands up and grabs my hand I just stand up and follow nick and he took me to my room and closes the door
Nick-so when are you posting that song
Y/n-ummm idk when I feel like it's time
Nick-yeah wait until y'all have a special moment and then post it on your Instagram
Y/n-yeah I was thinking about posting it when something happens
Nick-you know there is people already shipping y'all
Y/n- I know I've seen the ship edits I love them
Nick-I know y'all are meant to be he needs to hurry and ask you out already
Y/n-I know right like what are you waiting for Chris
Nick-I'm saying
Y/n-okay let's go to the living room so we won't seem sus
Nick-oh yeah but for real your couch is like very comfortable it's weird
I giggle and we exit my room
Chris-so what were y'all talking about
Matt-yeah what were y'all talking about
Nick-it's none of y'alls business
Chris-ugh okay
Y/n-ohh guys we have a guest room if y'all want to sleep in there we have two beds in there
Matt-ahhhh that's great one for me and nick
Y/n-it worked out well
Chris-yes it did
Matt-okay I'm going to go brush my teeth so I can go to sleep
Nick-oh yeah me too
Matt and nick leave to go brush their teeth
And it's just me and Chris in the living room
Y/n-so let's go brush our teeth too so we can go to sleep
Chris-let's gooo
We go to the restroom so we can brush our teeth
(Btw y/n has two restroom in her house)
After we were done we went to my room and i jumped on my bed
Y/n-ahhh I love my bed
Chris-I'm hurt
Y/n-ohh shut up come here
Chris comes and wraps his hands around my waist hugging me tightly He pulls away and we actually get in bed and we stayed up a bit talking them after a few minutes we both fell asleep

Time skip to the morning

I wake up and I don't see Chris next to me I look around my room and he is no where to be seen I grab my phone which is In my nightstand next to me and text Chris and ask where he is after I sent the message I went to Instagram to check my social media meanwhile I wait for him to answer and after a few minutes he hasn't answered so I decided to get up and go look for them I opened my door and went to the living room and they weren't there and then I went to the kitchen and they were also not there so I checked that last place which is the guest room I went to the guest room and the only person there was nick
Y/n-oh hey nick
Y/n-ummm where is Chris I didn't see him
Nick-ohhh ummm Matt and him left to go to the store
Y/n-oh okay it's weird cause he didn't answer my text but anyways you want to make breakfast
Nick-ouuu yess let's go make breakfast

Chris POV

I woke up earlier than usual today in the morning I didn't want to get up and leave y/n but I had to for her surprise I got up and went to go brush my teeth after I was done I grabbed a outfit that I left in y/ns room and after I got changed I went into the guest room where Matt and nick are so I went there
Chris-hey guys I have something to tell y'all and also I need help
Matt- for what
Chris- im going to take y/n on a date today and I'm going to ........

To be continued......

Hey guys what else do you think he is going to do or ASK (hint hint) y/n well anyways don't forget to vote and comment lovelies

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