Chapter 14

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on the way I look out the window and I see
Previous chapter ^^^^

I see Chris kissing Rachel I start to tear up i walk as fast as I can to the kitchen and I grab my water bottle and go back to the piano I try to not think about it .... a few hours pass and I wrote 2 songs( these are the songs )

I did end up crying even though I didnt want to I never knew that I would feel like this about a guy I met 1 day ago it's crazy how he made me feel special and safe in one day then the next he goes and kiss Rachel what if he never liked me maybe I should get over him or maybe

Nick comes in
Nick- y/n
Alahna- y/n where are you
Matt- y/n
Madi-y/n where are you
I get out of the little corner and try to act like nothing happened or like I didn't see anything let's see if they actually will tell me what happened
Y/n- hey guys whats up
Nick-y/n come here
Nick hugs me
I try to hold in tears
Y/n- nick why are you hugging me
Madi joins in to the hug and so does Matt and Alahna
Y/n- what is this a group hug haha
Madi- babe are you okay
Y/n- yeah why wouldn't I be
Matt- kiddo are you sure
Y/n- positive
My eyes start to water  and I act like I was yawning
Y/n- ahh man I'm so sleepy
Alahna- you don't have to pretend like you didn't see anything
Nick- honey I saw you I know you saw I saw you walking by the window and stop
Then I breakdown I fell to the floor
Y/n- man...I....
I said between sobs
Nick- yeah I thought that too
Matt- yeah he told us I don't know what has gotten into him
And all of the sudden Chris walks in
Chris- y/n y/n where are you
Rachel- come back here Chris
Nick stands up
Nick- wtf Chris
Chris- I swear it wasn't what it looked like y/n
Matt- Chris come here right now
Chris walks to Matt and they go outside

Chris POV
Before the incident
Me and my brothers went in madis room
Chris- sup guys
Matt- hello
Nick- rise and shine
Y/n- hey
Alahna- wsp
Madi- hi
Matt- so what are we doing today
Madi- we are going to hangout with Rachel today
Nick- oh (looks at Me )
Matt- oh ( looks at me  )
Y/n- y'all good
Chris- yeah we are
Nick- yess great
Matt- amazing
Madi- anyways yeah that what we are doing
Nick- sounds fun
Matt- yeah sounds fun
Chris- very
Alahna- okay weirdos
Y/n- me and Madi are done with our makeup she just needs to find a outfit
Madi- yeah so get out
Nick- okay we will be at the living room
Matt- bye
Chris- bye
Y/n- bye guys
Alahna- peace

We went to the living room and we took a seat in the couch
Matt- Chris you gotta tell y/n
Nick- yeah you need to tell her about you and Rachel
Chris- I know I need to tell her we had a thing but I don't like her anymore
Chris- idk how I feel about Rachel anymore but I know that i really like y/n
Matt- okay
After a few minutes the come out of madis room and come to the living room

Madi- okay guys are y'all ready to go
Matt- yes ma'am
Madi- okay let's go here Matt the car keys
We started walking to the door
I sat in the passengers seat because I was too nervous to sit next to y/n I was scared to tell her

Matt- what are you doing go back there
Chris-I'm scared
Matt- you better tell her
Chris - I am I just don't know when
Chris- I will tell her when we get there
Matt- you better
Chris- I will

Y/n and Alahna come out and Alahna looks at me
Alahna- hey Chris I thought that was my seat aren't you suppose to be sitting with y/n
Chris-calm down it's just a seat
Alahna- Chris I was joking you know that right
Chris- yup
Alahna gave me a weird out look and went to go seat at the back with y/n
I know that they could tell I was acting weird especially Alahna because I don't normally act like this and I even know this

Once we got to our destination

e all get off the car
Madi goes and knocks the door
And she opens the door

Rachel- hi guys (she looks at me )
Madi- heyy long time no see
Rachel -I know right come in
We all enter her house
Madi- okay so this is y/n and Alahna
Rachel-so nice to meet both of y'all I'm Rachel
Y/n- hi nice to meet you Rachel I'm y/n
Rachel- nice to meet you y/n
Alahna- hi I'm Alahna nice to meet you
Rachel- nice to meet you too
She looks over at me and my brothers
Rachel- hey guys long time no see
Matt- hey Rachel nice to see you again
He goes in for a hug
Nick- hey Rachel
He hugs her
Chris- oh hey Rachel
Rachel- hey Chris nice to see you
I goes in to hug her because I didn't want to seem rude
Rachel- okay guys let's go to my living room
We walk into the living room
We sat down in the couch
Rachel- can I get y'all anything snacks or water
Y/n- umm can I get a water please
Rachel- yeah of course come with me
Alahna- I'm coming with cause I want water too
Rachel- okay
They walk back in the living room and I was sitting next to Matt and there was a open spot next to me I was hoping Rachel wouldn't sit next to me
And she does why does this have to happened to me
Rachel- guys let's watch a movie or should we go swimming in my pool
Matt- we didn't bring anything spare clothes
Rachel- oh some of the guys here won't mind if y'all borrow some plus I can let y'all girls borrow some bathing suits
Madi- ouu yess sounds good
Rachel- let me get y'all some shorts boys
Matt- I'm so ready to go swimming
Rachel goes upstairs to go get some shorts for the boys, Rachel stops half way in the stairs
Rachel- guys come up here
We get up and follow her

To be continued......

Okay y'all are getting to see Chris side of the story and also don't forget to vote and comment lovelies

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