Chapter 15

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We get up and follow her
Previous chapter Chris POV/side of the story ^^^

Once we got to the top of the stairs Rachel goes into a room and she gets out and she hands us  some shorts
Rachel- y'all can change in any of these rooms nobody is here at the moment but me
Matt- cool
Chris- thanks
Rachel looks at me
Rachel- yeah no problem (says in a flirty tone )
We go into the room and change
Rachel- okay follow me into my room so I can get y'all something
I was thinking on talking to y/n and telling her about Rachel
Matt- come on Chris
He interrupts my thoughts and without thinking I just go in the room and get changed after we got done I went to the restroom that was in that room and I come out and I see Matt and nick talking

Chris-what y'all talking about
Nick- you know what
Chris- oh yeah
Matt- you know I never really liked Rachel
Nick-yeah she was always suspicious and controlling
Chris- yeah but I liked her but not anymore
Matt- yeah y'all had y'all's little thing
Chris- I think I'm going to talk to her and tell her to not try anything with me or y/n and that I like y/n
Nick- let's hope she doesn't try anything at all I don't want her to do anything to hurt y/n or y'all
Matt- yeah I really like y/n for you y'all are like the exact same person just different gender
Nick- yeah like for real one day together and y'all already have a lot in common
Chris- I know man I really like her
Matt- okay we need to go and I'm pretty sure they are already down there because of the music
Chris- wish me luck
Nick- yeah have fun talking to Rachel
Chris- I know I'm scared
Matt- okay let's go
So we finally get out of the room and go downstairs and I see Rachel swimming and I see y/n man she looks beautiful we got outside

Matt- sup guys
Chris- hey hey
Nick- oh y/n where is Madi and Alahna
Y/n- oh they went to go get some snacks
I can't keep my eyes of of her she is so pretty
Matt- ouu I will go help them
Matt goes inside to help Madi and Alahna
I really wanted to go and talk to y/n but I had to talk to Rachel so I walk over to Rachel
Chris- hey Rachel
Rachel- hey Chris it's nice to see you again (she says in a flirty tone)
Chris- can I talk to you
Rachel- yeah of course
Chris- so it's about us and y/n
Rachel- oh I knew you like that bitch
Chris- hey don't call her that
Rachel - since you walked in here all you did was stare at her
Chris- okay but that not the point
Rachel- right (she says rolling her eyes)
Chris- so first you were a good person and everything but after you started being super controlling and jealous and overprotective And you took advantage of me and my brothers
Rachel- no I am not
Chris- yes yes you are
Rachel-whatever bye
Chris- wait I'm not finished
She comes back
Rachel- what what now
Chris- I just wanted to ask you to not try anything weird and also yes I do like y/n a lot
Rachel-why do you even like her I bet y'all have nothing in common like we did
She tries to get close to me and all touchy so I turn around and Matt,Alahna,and Madi had already come out and nick was talking to y/n
Chris- yes me and y/n have so much in common
Rachel- yeah right
Chris- we do I'm just telling you to not try anything or try to hurt y/n or anyone here
Rachel- I know you still like me
Chris- I don't like you anymore we were a thing like so long ago
Rachel- oh come on you still like me
Chris- stop no I don't I'm saying this in the most respectful way stop and stay away for me and y/n
I heard someone get in the pool so I turn around and it was y/n and she swam for a while then she got out I knew because she asked Madi where the restroom was
Rachel- it's not going to be that easy
Chris- why can't you let me be happy
Rachel- because I want you
Chris- sorry but I don't want you I want y/n
Rachel- why she is so ugly and disgusting
Chris- stop talking about her that way
Rachel- no
Chris- yes stop being immature
Rachel- I'm not being immature
Chris - yes yes you are
I was arguing with Rachel for a good minute trying to tell her how I like y/n and for her to stay away from me and y/n  then she said
Rachel-okay I will leave you alone
Chris- thank you finally
Then she grabs me and kisses me I pull away as fast as I can
Chris- Rachel wtf eww why would you kiss me
Rachel just starts laughing
Chris- stay away from everyone you are disgusting and I'm not kidding
Before I can turn around I see my brother and Madi and Alahna gone fuck I get out of the pool and get a towel and go inside as fast as I can

Chris- y/n y/n where are you
Rachel- come back here Chris
Nick stands up from hugging y/n
Nick- wtf Chris
Chris- I swear it wasn't what it looked like y/nnnnn
Matt- Chris come here right now
I walk to Matt
Chris-Matt I need to talk to you and you gotta believe me nick please come here too
Nick- no go with Matt I can't even look at you right now
Me and Matt go outside
I start panicking
Matt- wtf was that
I tell him everything that happened
Matt- oh that bitch
Chris- I'm panicking I really like y/n and I want to be with her
Matt- I know buddy we need to go now
Chris - yeah we do
Matt- and we need to talk about this as fast as possible
Chris- you think y/n will let me explain
Matt- yeah I think she is
I get so anxious
Matt goes inside and I go inside as well
And I see her my heart hurts I don't like seeing her like this Matt gets nick and he talks to him and Madi and Alahna are with y/n nick get Madi and Alahna and Matt explain what happens to them and I go to y/n
Y/n- i can't even look at you right now
She starts walking to the door
Chris- y/n please let me explain
Y/n- explain what exactly that you kissed her !!!
Chris- I didn't kiss her she kissed me please please let me explain
She took a moment
Y/n- okay but please let's get out of here
Chris- okay come on
Me and y/n go outside
I go in and hug her
Chris- I need you to know that I will never hurt you

Back to y/n pov

Madi- it's okay love Matt took him outside
Nick- I don't know what gotten into him
Nick continues to hug me tightly
And I hear the door open then I hear his voice
I stand up
Y/n- i can't even look at you right now
I start walking to the door but Chris stops me
Chris- y/n please let me explain
Y/n- explain what exactly that you kissed her !!!
Chris- I didn't kiss her she kissed me please please let me explain
I took a moment to make a decision but I really liked him maybe it was a misunderstanding
Y/n- okay but please let's get out of here
Chris- okay come on
Chris takes me outside
And he hugs me
Chris- I need you to know that I will never hurt you

To be continued......

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