Chapter 22

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Y/n- okay let me text our order to them
Chris- okay
Previous chapter ^^^^

Y/n-Okay I already texted them
Y/n- come on let's go to the guest room and start packing because I think I got everything that I left in her room
Chris-okay let's go
We walk out of madis room and start walking to the guest room we got to the guest room and I looked around the room to see if I left anything

Y/n-okay I'm going to get my suitcase and do it in the bed
He gets his suitcase and sits on the floor and he faces me
Y/n- okay Nevermind I think I'm going to join you on the floor
Chris- yay I have my buddy with me packing
I giggle
Y/n- yeah of course
Chris starts to fold his clothes
Chris- ohhh let me get my toothbrush
Y/n- can you please get mine too
Chris- umm is it the purple one
Y/n- mhm
Chris- okay
Y/n- thank you
Chris- anything for you
I just smile at him Chris left to go  get our toothbrushes
Ahh he is so cute and dreamy and his laugh is so contagious and his smile ahh his everything he is just perfect
Chris- what you thinking about
I jumped a little
Y/n- omg you scared me a little
Chris- sorry (he giggles and hands me my toothbrush)
Y/n- thank you
Chris- of course
Y/n- okay now we can continue
Chris- so remember when I told you that I was going to take you on a date
I smile on just the idea of me and Chris going on a date
Y/n- yeah
Chris- well when we get to Boston I will take you on that date I promise
Y/n- okay can't wait oh and also remember your going to meet my mom and your going to taste her amazing food
Chris- I know I can't wait for that and also your going to meet my mom too
Y/n- really omg I'm so excited to meet your mom
Chris- I can't wait to meet your mom what are you talking about
I giggle

Time passed .......
We heard knocking at the door
It kinda catches me of guard so I jumped
Chris-don't worry it's probably them
Y/n- oh yeah I forgot
Chris- come on let's go
He stands up and puts his hand out to help me up
Y/n- thank you
We both started walking to the kitchen
I sat in the counter while Chris went to go open the door for them
Chris- hey guys
Alahna- we are back losers
Madi- hiii
Nick- we got y'all's food
Matt- here you go enjoy (he says handing Chris our food)
Y/n- thank you for bringing us food
Alahna-no problem my love
Y/n- awww I love you Alahna
I jump of the counter to go hug Alahna
Alahna- looks like someone is jealous
I look back at Chris and Alahna flicks Chris off
We all laugh
Chris- okay okay come on y/n let's eat
Y/n- okay
Me and Chris start eating

Timeskip to when they are leaving
Y/n- okay do y'all have everything
Matt- yes ma'am
Nick- oh no I forgot something I will be right back
Y/n- okay go get it we will put your suitcase in the car
Nick- thank you
We started putting our things in the car
Nick come back
Nick- okay now we have everything
Chris- hey y/n what seat do you have
Y/n- oh I have c-2
Matt-okay that's fucking weird
Y/n- what's weird
Nick-you are like seating next to us
Y/n- okay that's weird
Chris- it's like we were meant to meet eachother
Alahna- okay enough of this voodoo shit but I'm going to miss y'all
Madi- yeah like a lot
We all hug
Laura - come on guys it's time to go
Y/n- okay guys byeee love y'all
I hug the again we say our goodbyes and get I. The car and start going to the airport

At the airport

We got out of the car and started heading to security and after security we got to our gate and went to go sit down in the seats the had there we still had a hour until boarding so I decided to take a small nap
I wake up eventually
Y/n- hey how much long until we start boarding
Chris- umm 10 minutes you woke up at the perfect time
he says and he kisses my forehead
Matt-come on guys let's start going to our gate because there is people lining up
We stand up and get in the line after a few minutes we get in the plane and get in our seats
Nick-I'm surprised because there isn't a lot of people in the plane
Y/n- I know it's like empty
Chris- I'm going to go sit next to you
Y/n- wait Chris ask first because we don't want to get in trouble
Chris asked the flight attendant and she said it was fine since there wasn't much people in the flight Chris sat next to me
He sat down in the window seat and I sat next to him
Chris- come on let's take a nap
I put my head in Chris shoulder and closed my eyes

To be continued.....
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