Chapter 24

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He turns the lights off and comes back to lay down with me and we cuddle and I drift away to sleep
Previous chapter ^^^^

I slowly started opening my eyes and I woke up to Chris being on his phone and he looks over to me and smiles
Chris-your awake
Chris-how you sleep
Y/n- mmm pretty good you
Y/n- I don't know why but I'm still tired
Chris- I know how your feeling
Y/n- I don't want to get up
Chris-we don't have to if you don't want to let's just stay here all day
Y/n- yes let's stay here all day I enjoy laying in your arms
Chris- and I enjoy you being in my arms
He says then he kisses me in my forehead
Y/n- ahh this is nice
Chris-hey make sure to let your mom know that your going to be here today
Y/n- your right but idk where my phone is
Chris- ummm check the floor
I check the floor and there it was on the floor
Y/n- ahh your a genius I found it
Chris-what can I say
I giggle and text my mom

I slowly started opening my eyes and I woke up to Chris being on his phone and he looks over to me and smiles Chris-your awake Y/n-mhm Chris-how you sleep Y/n- mmm pretty good you Chris-decent Y/n- I don't know why but I'm still tired Chris- I kno...

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I smile And look at Chris Chris- what you smiling at Y/n- you He smiles Chris- so what did your mom say Y/n- she said yes Chris- yay He says and hugs me tightly Chris- hey you want to go with nick and Matt to go something to eat with our mom Y/n- ...

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I smile And look at Chris
Chris- what you smiling at
Y/n- you
He smiles
Chris- so what did your mom say
Y/n- she said yes
Chris- yay
He says and hugs me tightly
Chris- hey you want to go with nick and Matt to go something to eat with our mom
Y/n- yeah sure and Chris can I borrow a hoodie or jacket
Chris-of course and let's get up
Chris got up from his bed but me in the other hand I just sat up so now I'm sitting in his bed
Y/n-ahhhh I'm to lazy
Chris- come on
I just lay back down and turn to Chris direction and I see him in his closet and he took out a hoodie awww he took out a hoodie for me what a cutie he starts walking towards me
Chris-come on stand up and look I got you one of my hoodies
Y/n- okay I guess I will get up
And this time I actually get up from his bed I went to my suitcase to find some clean pants a luckily I did find a pair of clean pants I go grab Chris's hoodie
Y/n- umm Chris where is your bathroom I need to change
Chris-oh just change here I will step out
Y/n- ohhh okay
He gets up and exits his room and closes that door
I find it very sweet that he did that when he could of just told me where the restroom is so I can change but instead he said to change here aww I adore him with all my heart
I got done changing so I grabbed my phone and I put my credit card in my phone case and I went to go open the door
Y/n- okay I'm done
Chris looks at me and smiles
Chris-  I love that on you
Y/n- what can I say
I smile
Chris-come on
He says and he puts his arm around my shoulder and we start walking down the stairs
Nick-hey y/nnnn
Matt- hey guys
Chris- omg nick you aren't going to say hi to me
Nick- you didn't let me finish but hey chrisss
Chris- oops
Marylou- okay guys come on let's go
We all start heading out and we get in the car I sat with Chris and nick and Matt is sitting in the passenger seat and Marylou is driving
Nick-mom so where are we going to eat
Marylou- honey i dont know look a place up will you
Nick- okay
Matt- mom let's go to ihop
Nick- yeah let's just go to ihop
Marylou- y/n  Chris
Y/n- yeah let's go
Chris- I'm on board
Marylou- ihop it is
Marylou drives to ihop

Time skip to ihoppp

We got there and we all got out of the car and entered ihop and they gave us a place to sit at
Nick-I'm excited to eat
Marylou-me too I haven't came here in a long time
Matt- right when was the last time we came here
Chris- I think like i dont know months
Marylou- no I think like a year
Y/n- that's a long time  but yeah same I don't even remember the last time I came to one
Marylou -here we are
The waiter come and gave us the menus and asked what we will like to drink we said what we wanted to drink and we started looking at the menus and we eventually ordered our food and we ate and we all had a very fun conversations and I got to know their mom more which is a really good thing we talked for a long time but we got done and I tried paying but Marylou didn't allow it and I told her that I will pay next but she she said she wouldn't allow it so she payed and we start going back to their house and also it was getting late so after we got to their house me and Chris went to his room

Y/n- I think it's time for me to go to my house it's getting pretty late
Chris- noo stay here forever
Y/n- I wish but I have to go
Chris- noooo
He says and he comes and hugs me tightly
Y/n- as much I'm enjoying this but can you tell Matt if he can take me to my house
Chris- no
He says and pulls away from the hug
Chris- but I'm coming with you
Y/n- okay
I get all of my stuff and Chris told Matt if he can drop me off at my house he agreed to take me home so me and chris went downstairs with my stuff and I went to go tell Marylou goodbye
Y/n- heyy Marylou I will be going home now
Marylou- aww sweetie it was a pleasure to have you here come back soon when I mean soon I mean tomorrow
I giggle
Y/n- will do
I go in to hug her and she hugs me tightly
Marylou- bye sweetie
Y/n- bye
Nick comes downstairs
Nick-humans wait I was putting my shoes on
Y/n-you know I will never leave you behind come on
Nick- you see that's why I love you
He puts his shoes on
Nick-okay let's go
We went to car and I put my things in the trunk but before I can Chris grabs it and puts it in
Y/n- thank you
We get into the car
I'm in the passenger seat Matt is driving and nick and Chris are in the back
Matt-okay ms.y/n what's your address
Y/n- here you go
Matt- your house isn't that far from us
Nick- small town we live in
Y/n- right
Matt-okay let's goo but before here Chris the aux
Chris- thank you now let's go
Chris puts some music on and on the way to my house we are all singing
We got to my house
They all got out to help me with my things I got my bag and Chris got my suitcase they walked me to my doorstep
Y/n- thank you guys so much for letting me stay at y'all house and thank you Matt for bringing me  home
Matt-no problem
Y/n- also come over whenever y'all want I am mostly home alone after 2pm
Nick-you hear that Chris
Chris- shut up nick
I giggle
Matt-come on nick let's leave these two alone for a second
Nick-hold on
Nick comes and hugs me tightly and he rubs my back while hugging me
Nick-okay bye y/n love you
Y/n- bye nick love you
Matt comes and hugs me too
Matt-bye y/n
Y/n- bye kiddo
They walk away and they get in their car and Chris comes and stand in front of me
Chris- okay I will be here tomorrow after 2pm so you won't be alone and you won't have to spend your Friday alone
Y/n- yayyyy
I say and hug him he hugs me back and he kisses my head
Chris-okay I should get going
He says while still hugging me I pull back I little so I can see his face and we both are staring at eachother in the eyes
Y/n- your leaving already
Chris- I know I know I don't want to leave you either
He says and he kisses me And he pulls away and smiles and I smile as well
Y/n- This is definitely the best part of my day
He laughs
Chris-mine too okay bye
He says and kisses me again and runs to the car
I giggle and wave at them bye they leave and I get in my house and i leave my things in the living room I go to my room lay in my bed and I get on my phone and I get a text from Chris

To be continued .....

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