Chapter 19

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down his chest and I slowly drift away to sleep
Previous chapter ^^^^

I woke up with Chris's arms around me and holding me tightly
How did I get so lucky with Chris I'm very grateful that I met Chris and that I made the decision to come to la it's probably the best decision I made out of all the other dumb decisions I have made but I feel so safe in his arms and I just met this guy like two days ago it's crazy how a person can make you feel so safe in a short  amount  time man oh man
Chris- what you thinking about (he says in his morning voice)
Ahhh his morning voice is just a chefs kiss
Y/n- ummm to you want me to lie or the real answer
Chris- umm let me think the real answer
Y/n- okay you I was thinking about you
Chris- really because I was just dreaming about you in my arms ..... oh wait you are in my arms
I giggle
Y/n- silly
Chris- so you going back to sleep
Y/n- nah
Chris- okay I'm going back to sleep
Y/n- okay hold on let me go for a second
Chris- no don't leave me
Y/n- I'm not silly I'm going to grab my phone
Chris- oh okay
Chris let's me go and I go grab my phone and charger and I plug it in and my phone in and I lay back down with Chris and he wraps his arms around me again
I look at my phone and I have a bunch of notifications I was surprised I got so many followers on Instagram and TikTok I was confused and I opened up Instagram and there was a bunch of people following me and liking my posts and commenting and some of them were sturniolo triplets fan pages and I remembered that I appeared in two of their videos maybe nick already uploaded the first video we filmed in the car then I went over to TikTok and I was tagged in a lot of videos I click in one of the videos and I watch it Is a ship edit of me and Chris and it was so cute and I looked at the comments and everyone was shipping me and Chris together and I went ahead and look at the other videos that people tagged me in and it's the same of them shipping me and Chris
After a few minutes of being with Chris I decided that it's time to get up
I nudged Chris a little so we can get up
Y/n- Chris come on let's get up
Chris- a few more minutes
Y/n- come on let's go get breakfast together
Chris- ouu breakfast sounds good
Y/n- yeah come one get up
Chris- okay
He unwraps his arms around me
And we got up
Chris-so what time is it
Y/n-it's 11:20
Chris- oh okay
I went to my suitcase and grabbed the things that I needed such as my clothes , toothbrush and my makeup me and Chris went to the bathroom to brush our teeth we got done and I got out of the restroom and I knocked at madis door
Madi-it's open
I go in
Y/n- good morning
Madi- morning
Y/n- can I get ready here
Madi- sure go for it and who else is up
Y/n- just me and Chris
Madi- oh okay where are y'all going
Y/n- oh we are going to go look for a place to go get breakfast wanna come with us
Madi- no I'm good I'm to lazy to get out of my bed right now but can y'all bring some
Y/n- yeah ofc I will send you the menu
Madi- yayyyy
I start doing simple makeup and I put my clothes on and I start walking to madis door
Y/n- bye Madi
Madi- bye
I walk out and go to the living room
Chris- ready
Y/n- yesss let's go

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