Chapter 12

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Madi- anyways yeah that what we are doing
Nick- sounds fun
Previous chapter ^^^^

Matt- yeah sounds fun
Chris- very
Alahna- okay weirdos
Y/n- me and Madi are done with our makeup she just needs to find a outfit
Madi- yeah so get out
Nick- okay we will be at the living room
Matt- bye
Chris- bye
Y/n- bye guys
Alahna- peace
They leave and close the door Madi goes to lock the door
Alahna- okay what was that all about
Y/n-yeah for real what was that all about
Madi- I know I saw that
Y/n- yeah you saw how they looked at Chris
Alahna- when I saw that I was (she makes this face 🤨)
Me and Madi laugh
Y/n- for real they acting suspicious
Madi- I wish I knew if I did I would of told y'all
Alahna- you should ask them Madi
Madi- yeah I should but how do I bring it up
Y/n- honestly don't bring it up if we see them act more suspicious then when we ask
Madi- yeah good idea okay well anyways help me pick my outfit
Alahna- oh yeah I need a outfit too I will be right back I nine stop get my suitcase
Y/n- okay
Alahna leaves to go get her suitcase after a few minutes she comes back
Alahna- okay I need help too
Y/n- okay let me help both of y'all

After we figured out what they are going to wear they put it on ( that's what they are wearing + you too)

Madis outfit

Alahnas outfit

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Alahnas outfit

Alahnas outfit

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Y/ns outfit

(Y'all can totally not use my outfit you can choose whatever y'all like )

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(Y'all can totally not use my outfit you can choose whatever y'all like )

After we were done we went to the living room where the triplets are
Madi- okay guys are y'all ready to go
Matt- yes ma'am
Madi- okay let's go here Matt the car keys
We started walking to the door
Alahna- hey y/n come here
I go to Alahna
Y/n- hey wsp
Alahna- is it just me or is Chris acting weird he had like idk a face
Y/n- yeah I saw that it's kinda of a worried face
Alahna- yeah kind of idk how to explain it
Y/n- okay well anyways let's go
Me and Alahna went out the door
And Chris was sitting in the passenger seat where Alahna was sitting  Alahna looked at me
Alahna- hey Chris I thought that was my seat aren't you suppose to be sitting with y/n
Chris-calm down it's just a seat
Alahna- Chris I was joking you know that right
Chris- yup
Madi looks at y/n
Me and Alahna got sit in the back
Alahna whispers something  in my ear (dude I'm going to text you something )I just nod my head I get on my phone and so does Alahna

After we were done we went to the living room where the triplets are Madi- okay guys are y'all ready to go Nick-yup Matt- yes ma'am Chris-yeah Madi- okay let's go here Matt the car keys We started walking to the door Alahna- hey y/n come here I go...

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Time skip to when we get to our destination

We stop at this really pretty house
Madi- we are here
We all get off the car
Madi goes and knocks the door
Someone opens the door and it's the really pretty girl Madi should me and Alahna

?- hi guys
Madi- heyy long time no see
?- I know right come in
We all enter her house
Madi- okay so this is y/n and Alahna
? - so nice to meet both of y'all I'm Rachel
Y/n- hi nice to meet you Rachel I'm y/n
Rachel- nice to meet you y/n
I go in to shake her hand she shakes my hand
Alahna- hi I'm Alahna nice to meet you
And she also goes in and shakes her hand
Rachel- nice to meet you too
She looks over to the triplets
Rachel- hey guys long time no see
Matt- hey Rachel nice to see you again
He goes in for a hug
Nick- hey Rachel
He hugs her
Chris- oh hey Rachel
Rachel- hey Chris nice to see you
Chris goes in and hugs her
Rachel- okay guys let's go to my living room
We walk into the living room and it's huge
We sat down in the couch
Rachel- can I get y'all anything snacks or water
Y/n- umm can I get a water please
Rachel- yeah of course come with me
Alahna- I'm coming with cause I want water too
Rachel- okay
Me and Alahna follow Rachel into the kitchen
And she just us water bottles
Y/n & Alahna- thank you
Rachel - mhm
Y/n- so how do you know them
Rachel- who Madi and the triplets
Y/n- yeah
Rachel- well we have the same company and also because of Glo-up girls
Y/n- oh cool good to know
We walk back to the living room and me and Alahna sit where we were sitting and Rachel sat next to Chris I did t think anything if it
Rachel- guys let's watch a movie or should we go swimming in my pool
Matt- we didn't bring anything spare clothes
Rachel- oh some of the guys here won't mind if y'all borrow some plus I can let y'all girls borrow some bathing suits
Madi- ouu yess sounds good
Rachel- let me get y'all some shorts boys
Matt- I'm so ready to go swimming
Rachel goes upstairs to go get some shorts for the boys, Rachel stops half way in the stairs
Rachel- guys come up here
We get up and follow her

To be continued......

Okay guys so there is going to be some drama but not right now and it's going to get good but make sure to vote and comment lovelies

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