Chapter 32

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Y/n-I'm kidding Chris of course I will go in a date with you
Previous chapter ^^^

Chris- don't play with me like that you scared me
Y/n- oops sorry won't happen again
Chris-good ohh Umm be ready by 6:30ish
Y/n-okay can't wait
We left my room and went to the living room where the others are
Chris-hey guys
Y/n-we are back
Nick-ohhh Chris can I talk to you for a sec
Chris and nick stood up and went to the guest room I think

Chris pov

I followed nick to the guest room
Chris-so what did you want to talk about
Nick-Chris where did you leave the stuff
Nick-okay need to set it all up so I can be ready already when y'all show up
Chris-I forgot about that
Nick-okay I'm going to go on Pinterest to see how other people set it up
Chris-good idea nick
Nick-I know
Me and nick went back to the living room and nick sat with Matt


Chris and nick came back
Y/n-umm who wants to go with me to 7/11
Chris-ouu me
Matt-ouuu I want to go
Y/n-Matt can you driveee please
Matt-yesss let's go
Nick-I will come with
Time skip to 7/11
We went inside
Matt-you know what I been craving
Matt-pineapple and a slurpee
Chris-weird combo but pineapple sounds good
Y/n-yummy pineapple
Matt-where is the pineapple ahhh
Y/n-I'm going to go get a slurpee Matt you want one right
Matt-yess get me the red one
Y/n- you mean cherry
Matt-yeah that's what I said
I giggle and go get the slurpees and Chris comes with me
Y/n- can you hold one
Chris-yeah who's the other one for
Y/n- Matty b
Chris-ahhh Bernard
Y/n- yeah what did you get
Chris -Twix and pineapple too
We started going back to Matt and nick
Y/n-here you go
Matt-pleasure doing business with you
Y/n- anytime Matthew
I giggle
Y/n-nick what you get
Nick-bunch of snacks
Y/n-okay let me get chips then we can go
I get some chips and go to the register
Y/n-I'm going to pay
Chris-your funny
Matt-yeah you really are
Y/n-hey who pop up the idea me so I pay
Chris-why don't pull that card that's only for me and you
Y/n-nope it's for everything
Chris-okay but next time we are paying okay
Y/n-yay now let me pay
I payed and then we left
Nick-hey y/n take a picture of us for or photo dump
I took a photo of them

Chris and nick came back Y/n-umm who wants to go with me to  7/11Chris-ouu me Matt-ouuu I want to go Y/n-Matt can you driveee please Matt-yesss let's go Nick-I will come with Time skip to 7/11We went inside Matt-you know what I been craving Nick-w...

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Y/n-okay here
Matt-let's take a picture with my pineapple
I giggle and get in the car and they take a picture with their canned pineapple

They got in the car and matt got a can opener Y/n-what where you get that Matt-we always have one Nick-yeah they are weirdos Y/n-it's just random to have a can opener in your car Nick-yeah I know Matt starts open the pineapple can Matt-I'm going t...

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They got in the car and matt got a can opener
Y/n-what where you get that
Matt-we always have one
Nick-yeah they are weirdos
Y/n-it's just random to have a can opener in your car
Nick-yeah I know
Matt starts open the pineapple can
Matt-I'm going to cry
Matt- I'm actually going to cry
Nick starts laughing
Nick-he got pineapple juice instead of pineapple
He says in between laughing
Chris-dummy why didn't you read it
Y/n-I don't think he is the only dummy here
Y/n-looks at your can
Chris-ohh damnnn
Matt-okay let's go to your house now
Time skip back to y/ns house

We got to my house and immidately matt runs to my room and jumps on my bed
Y/n-matt you okay
Matt-no im heart broken
Nick-you will be fine
Matt-no im not
Y/n-matt come on lets go look at my pantry and check if i have any canned pineapple or pineapple in general
Matt-okay lets go
Matt gets up and walks with me to my pantry and we look for some pineapple after a few secons of looking i find some i grab it when matt isnt looking and i put ot behind my back
Y/n-look what i found
I say and show him the canned pineapple
Matt-oh my god you found some you healed my broken heart
I giggle and we both go to the kitchen and i grab a can opener for matt and then i see nicl and chris come in to the kitchen
Nick-now look at the happy kid
Chris- aww can i have some
Chris-come on just a little
Matt-fine you can have a little
Nick-hey y/n what time is it
Y/n- 6:10.....oh i meed yo go get ready nick come with me
Nick- right behind you
I go to my room exicted
Y/n-ahh im excited for me and chris date
Nick-lets pick out a outfit
Y/n-wait i dont know what to wer like do i dress fancy or casual
Nick- let me pick out a outfit for you cause i know the occasion so you can go ahead and do your makeup
Y/n-nick this is why i love you
Nick-i love you too now do your make up
I put on some music and then i started to do my makeup after i was finished i truned to nick which was already done picking out my putfit which was this

oh i meed yo go get ready nick come with me Nick- right behind you I go to my room exicted Y/n-ahh im excited for me and chris date Nick-lets pick out a outfit Y/n-wait i dont know what to wer like do i dress fancy or  casual Nick- let me pick out...

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(You can pick any outfit you would like)

Cute dress that i had and he also picked out my shoes which were my black and white converse (you can pick out any shoes)

Y/n-nick i love this outfit
Nick- you do
Y/n- yess its so cute
Nick-glad you liked it okay im going to leave so you can change
Y/n-thank you nick really
Nick- anytime
Nick gets up from my bed and leaves and closes my door so i can change after a few minutes i got done changing and i texted nick to come back into my room and in a few minutes he came back into my room
Nick-omg you look so pretty i love it
Y/n- thank you and thanks to you cause you picked out this amazing outfit
Nick-what can i say im amazing
Y/n- you are to be honest
Nick-okay girl get your purse and go to the living room because chris is waiting for you
I grab my purse and my phone which i put in my purse and i grab my purfume and spray some on myself then i leave my room to go to the living room and i see chris which he is wearing this

Y/n-nick i love this outfit Nick- you doY/n- yess its so cute Nick-glad you liked it okay im going to leave so you can change Y/n-thank you nick really Nick- anytime Nick gets up from my bed and leaves and closes my door so i can change after a fe...

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Chris-you look so gorgeous
Y/n- thank you and you look so handsome
Chris-thank you come on lets go

To be continued....

Guys we are going to act like chris knows how to drive in this story okay oh and also we are going to act that nick and matt already set up the picnic out for them and also make sure to vote and comment lovelies

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