Chapter 16

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Chris- I need you to know that I will never hurt you
Previous chapter and we are back to y/n pov

They all come outside
And Chris is still hugging me
Madi- hey y/n here is your phone
Chris pulls away so I can get my phone
Y/n- thank you
Matt- let's get out of here
Alahna- we got all of our stuff correct
Nick- yeah
Madi- let's get out of this shit hole
Nick- I'm deleting this bitches number
Madi- ahh I hate her so much
Alahna- fuck that bitch
Matt- yeah fuck her now let's get out of here
Matt starts driving and Chris is sitting with me in the back
Matt- we are going to the beach because we still have bathing suits on
Alahna- yes the beach
Nick- give me the aux right now Alahna
Nick start playing this

We all laugh
I was starting to feel better
Chris- I will explain everything to you okay when we get there
And he puts his arm around me
Y/n- okay
Chris- let me tell you right now it was a misunderstanding
Y/n- okay I believe you
Chris- thank you
He kisses me forehead and I get butterflies

Time skip to the beach and the sun was setting
We all get out of the car and start walking to the beach
They all start running to the sand but me and Chris decided to walk to there
Chris- hey let's go sit over there

(Btw it's this )

Me climbed it and sat downY/n-wow it looks so beautiful Chris-yeah the sunset Y/n- yeah so gorgeous Chris-let me tell you what happened Y/n- right that Chris explains to me everything that happened and how Rachel is and how he was toward him and h...

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Me climbed it and sat down
Y/n-wow it looks so beautiful
Chris-yeah the sunset
Y/n- yeah so gorgeous
Chris-let me tell you what happened
Y/n- right that
Chris explains to me everything that happened and how Rachel is and how he was toward him and his brother and how she took advantage of them
Y/n- wow she is a horrible person and a shit talking bitch
Chris- yeah fuck her for real for doing all that shit
Y/n- yeah ahh I hate her and I can't believe she kissed you
Chris- I know I pulled away as fast as I can and also I wanted to tell you about it early and warn you how she is but I was too scared to
Y/n- yeah you were acting weird me and the girls noticed
Chris- yeah I could tell sorry
Y/n- it's not your fault it's her fault she was the one that messed everything up
Chris- yeah well sorry for not telling you sooner I definitely learned my lesson
Y/n- good
We laugh and Chris puts his arm around me and I put my head in his shoulder and we stayed in silence and it wasn't that awkward silence it was a peaceful silence and we watched the sunset
Chris- hey y/n
Y/n- yeah Chris
I lift my head up form his shoulder and look at him
Chris-I like you like a lot
Y/n- I like you too Chris like a lot
We laugh
And just stare at each other's eyes then Chris starts leaning in and he gently grabs my face and he kisses me I get butterflies in my stomach I don't how to describe it but I was the best feeling in the whole world we pull apart from the kiss
He puts his arm around me
And I rest my head on his shoulder
He kisses my forehead and aging I get sparks and butterflies
Chris- hey I want to take you on a date
Y/n- you do
Chris- yes I do I want to do this properly I want to get to know you more
Y/n- okay
Chris- y/n will you go in a date with me
Y/n- yes Chris I will love to go in a date with you
Chris - yayyy
I giggle
Y/n- hey when are you leaving la
Chris- in 3 days
Y/n- what a coincidence me too
Chris- yay we get to go to Boston together
Y/n- yes yes we do
Chris- I'm glad you live in Boston
Y/n- me too now I love where I live
Chris- me too this is a dream come true
Y/n- I'm glad I met you
Chris- hey let's get down from here
Y/n- yeah good idea let's go join the others
Me and Chris get of and start walking to the others
Y/n- sup guys
Chris- we are back
Alahna- heyy guysss
Madi- hey
Nick- did y'all talk
Y/n- yupppp
Chris- yes we did
Matt- y'all are good
Y/n - yes we are good Matt
Nick- umm is anyone hungry
Alahna- yes me
Madi- me too
Matt- me three
Y/n-me four
Chris -me five
We all laugh
Matt-okay let's get in the car and let's go eat
Nick-wait let's put our clothes on then let's go eat
Alahna-oh yeah I forgot about that
We went to the car to go grab our clothes and we went to go change after we all got done changing we went In the car and we start to decide where we should go eat
Madi- so where should we go
Y/n- ummm idk to be honest
We all started think
Nick- oh I know where saddle ranch
Alahna-honestly I don't care I'm just hungry
Matt- saddle ranch it is
Nick- okay let me make reservations
Madi- okay
After a few minutes nick made the reservations

To be continued.......
Make sure to vote and comment and guys help I'm kinda running out of ideas helpppp okay bye lovelies

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