Chapter 31

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Chris- im going to take y/n on a date today and I'm going to ........
Previous chapter ^^^

Matt- your going to what
Nick-spit it out already
Chris-I'm going to ask he to be my girlfriend
Nick-yeah took you long enough
Chris-I know but yeah I know that I want her to be my girlfriend like I know she is the one
Nick- aww I just love y'all
Chris-okay but I need help for real
Matt-on what
Chris-I want to do something special for her
Nick-ummm what does she like
Chris-ouu she loves sunsets
Matt-take her to the beach so y'all can watch it
Nick-yeah do like a beach picnic that's cute
Chris-okay imma take her to the beach so we can have a picnic date then we can watch the sunset
Nick-yeah that's adorable
Chris-so do i just ask her while we are watching the sunset
Matt-yeah you should
Nick-yeah to be honest you would know when it's the right time
Chris-okay I need help getting the things Matt come with me and nick stay cause i know you are good at distracting people
Nick-okay just send me pictures of the things
Chris-will do and thank you nick for the idea and Matt too
Matt-okay let's go
Me and Matt left y/ns house and got into the car
Matt-okay so we're are we going
Chris-oh nick texted me a list of things to get and one of them is a picnic blanket
Matt-I think we have one
Chris-okay let's stop at our house and ask mom is we do
Timeskip to when they got to their house

Chris-hey mom do we have a picnic blanket
Marylou-yes we do follow me
I followed my mom and she gave me the blanket
Marylou- who is going on a picnic
Chris-oh im going to ask y/n on a picnic date
Marylou-awww I love that girl
Chris-and I'm also asking her to be my girlfriend
Marylou- oh my god it's finally happening
Matt- I know that's what me and nick said
Marylou-I just love you and y/n y'all are the cutest
Chris-okay mom thank you for the blanket I appreciate it
Marylou-oh don't mention it and Chris aren't you forgetting something
Chris-I don't think so
Marylou-you need a basket so you can put everything in
Matt-oh yeah a picnic basket
Marylou-here you go okay you are set
Chris-thanks mom
We both say good bye to my mom but before we left I grabbed some clothes for the date then me and Matt left to go to target to get food and snacks after we got done from getting everyrhing we needed we left them at the car and went back to y/ns house

Timeskip to y/ns house

Me and matt got out of the car and knocked

Back to y/ns pov

After me and nick made breakfast and ate it we started watching stranger things because we both love stranger things and i kept checking my phone to see if chris answered but he hasnt so i continued to watch the show after a few hours i heard knocking i got up to go open the door and it was chris and matt

Y/n- where did you go i was worried
Chris- sorry that i didnt answer
Y/n-its fine
Matt-what are yall doing
Nick- watching stranger things of course
Chris-of course y'all are
Nick-what it's not my fault me and y/n love this show
Y/n- for reals
Chris-hey y/n let's go to your room real quick
Y/n-okay I will be right back nick
Nick-okay have fun but not to much fun
Matt and nick laugh
Chris-oh shut up guys
I giggle and me and Chris go to my room and o sit on my bed
Chris-so okay umm I'm taking you on a date
Chris-yes I'm going to do this properly
I giggle
Chris-y/n will you like to go on a date with me
I say no in the most serious face and when I said that Chris smile faded away
Y/n-I'm kidding Chris of course I will go in a date with you

To be continued....

Hey guys let me know if y'all want a story about Matt cause I'm thinking of making on what are y'all's thoughts and make sure to vote and comment lovelies

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