Chapter 20

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Y/n- yesss let's go
Previous chapter ^^^

Chris stands up we walk out the door and start walking
Y/n- so do you where we are going
Chris- no idea you
Y/n- nope
Chris- okay since we are both clueless let's get our trusty Google maps
He pulls up goggle map and searches up restaurants near us and a few options show
Y/n- ouu let's go to that Mexican restaurant it look good and it's only a 6 minute walk
Chris- sounds good to me
Y/n- yayy Mexican restaurant
Chris- I love my Mexican food
Y/n- omg me too I adore Mexican food ahh I miss my moms food it's delicious
Chris- I want to try your moms food now
Y/n- well guess what you are invited to my house anytime to try my moms food
Chris- yayy let's go now
Y/n- in 2 days we go to Boston sooo
Chris- I want to meet your mom ASAP
Y/n- in 2 days you will meet her
Y/n- yeah
Chris-now I'm more excited to meet your mom and to try her food
Y/n- I will let my mom know
Chris- okay
Y/n-look we are here at the restaurant
Chris- good because my stomach was growling
Y/n-I know I heard it (I giggle)
We entered the restaurant
Waiter-hola Como estan (hello how are y'all)
Y/n- hola buenos dias bien y usted (hello good morning good and you)
Waiter-muy bien una Mesa para dos vengan para aqui ( very good one table for two come over here)
Y/n- si muchas gracias (yes thank you so much)
Me and Chris sat down
Waiter- ahorita vengo con los menus ( I will be right back wit the menus(
Y/n- okay muchas gracias (okay thank you so much)
The waiter goes to grab the menus
Chris gives me a confused look
Chris- you didn't tell me you know Spanish
I laugh
Y/n- oh yeah I might of forgot to mention that
Chris- so you know English and Spanish
Y/n- yes fluent in both
Chris- wow good for you
Waiter- okay aqui estan (okay here they are)
Y/n- gracias (thank you)
Waiter- que les gustaria de tomar (what would you like to drink)
Y/n- me puede dar a mi una agua porfavor (can you give me a water please)
Waiter-si para usted (yes and for you)
She looks at Chris
Chris looks at me
Y/n- what would you like to drink she said
He looks at the waiter
Chris- pepsi porfavor (Pepsi please)
Waiter - okay ahorita vengo con sus bebidas (okay right now I will be back with your drinks )
I nod at the waiter
Chris- omg did I say that right
Y/n- yes you did you said porfavor very good
Chris-okay at first I wasn't sure about what I said
I laughed and we looked at our menus and I also took a picture and send it to Madi to see what she will like from here she responded saying she would like the breakfast burrito and I asked her to offer some to the others she told me that they wanted burritos too I put my phone up
Y/n- okay you know what your getting
Chris- yup breakfast
Chris-how you know
Y/n- cause I'm getting that too and I'm getting the others some too
Y/n-so 6 burritos in total
Chris- yup two for here and 4 to go
Y/n- yup
Waiter- estan listos para ordenar ( are y'all ready to order)
Y/n- si me puede dar 6 burritos dos para aqui y los demas para llevar (yes can you give me 6 burritos two for here and the rest to go)
Waiter- si señorita (yes ma'am)
She walks away
Me and Chris end up taking about random things
And the waiter came back with our food and we ate and talked after we were eating we started walking back to madis house with their food

We got to madis house

Y/n- we are back guys
Alahna- I'm starving
Y/n-here you go enjoy
They got their burritos
And started eating
Matt- so did you and Chris argue on who was going to pay
Y/n-no cause he made a rule and I invited him to breakfast so I pay
Chris- yup
Nick- oh that smart who ever makes the plan pays
Chris- yeah and she made that plan this time
Y/n- yes yes I did and I proudly paid
Chris- omggg guys did y'all know that y/n speaks Spanish
Matt- really
Nick-wait for real
Y/n- yeah I do
Alahna- wait how did you find out
Chris- well we did go to a Mexican restaurant then she just spoke Spanish and it was cool

To be continued......

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