Chapter 4

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After a while of talking and getting to know the triplets we exchanged numbers. It was Also getting late so we decided to go to madis house so we ordered a Uber to her house

Time Skip to madis house

We got to madis house and me,madi,and Alahna went to her room to go change into comfortable clothes after we got into more comfortable clothes we went into the living room where the triplets were and decided to join them in the couch Alahna next to Matt,Madi next to nick and I was next to Chris

Madi - so guys what do y'all wanna do
Nick - omg let's watch a movie
Matt - yeah let's watch a movie
Alahna- sounds good to me
Chris - Madi you got any popcorn or snack
Y/n-Haha I was going to ask the same thing
Me and Chris laugh
Y/n-I'm kinda in the mood for cookies or brownies
Madi- oh I have some brownie mix in my pantry
Y/n-Omg perfect im going to make brownies for us
we all laugh
Matt - yes I agree with nick
We laugh again
Y/n-Okay I'm going to go make them
Chris - can I help
Y/n-Yeahhh of course

Me and Chris stand up and walk over to the kitchen We both went into the pantry Chris went to see if there was any snacks or popcorn and I went to get the brownie mix I found the brownie mix and I took out all the ingredients that I need and Chris was making the popcorn

Y/n-Chris I think the popcorn is ready
Chris - let me give them the popcorn then I will help you
Chris- okay so where do we start
Y/n-Umm can you please get me a bowl
Chris- yes ma'am
I giggled at his answer
He gave me the bowl and he also brought me a whisk since I forgot that too
Chris- here you go
Y/n-I knew I was missing something and it was a whisk
Chris opened the brownie mix and put it into the bowl and I added the oil and he cracked the eggs and finally I added the milk

Y/n-We are adding milk because with water it's gross
Chris- ohh really no wonder when we make brownies it tastes funny
Y/n-Yeah you need to add milk
Chris- thank for the advice
Y/n-Anytime ( I giggle)

After we added the needed ingredients Chris mixed the batter while I got out the pan after Chris was done mixing the batter we put in the batter into the pan Chris was holding the bowl and I was making sure all the batter was added to the pan

Chris - teamwork
Y/n-Yess teamwork makes a dream work
Chris - exactly

We put the brownies into the oven and we went to go sit down with the other while the brownies bake

Time skip to when the brownies are ready

Y/n-It's timeeee
we all laugh
Y/n-Come on Chris let's go take them out
Chris - let's goooo

We headed over to the kitchen and I got the oven mittens and put them on Chris opened that oven I got them out and sat the down in the counter

Y/n-Okay now we wait
Chris- aww man I wanted some right now
Y/n-Me too but we have to wait
Chris -  I guess
Y/n-Meanwhile let's ummm idkk
Nick - yay fit check

They all got up and they set up their phone to do the fit check and we all said what we were wearing

That what the fit check looks like imagine that Alahna is there and you are there too  ^^^^

After we were done with the fit check it was time

we all started to say brownies
I cut the brownies and we started to dig in and eat them
Matt - omg they are so good
Alahna- omg these are amazing
Nick- for reals
Madi - yeah good job y/n
Chris - hey I helped make them too give me some credit
Y/n-Yeah he helped me make them too guys
Madi - well shout out to you too
Alahna- god bless y/n and Chris

(Okay to be continued next chapter my lovelies )

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