Bonus chapter

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(guys so i just remembered that i did not have a chapter where chris tried y/n's mom food so this is what this bonus chapter will be)

me and my mom were at the living room watching a movie and i was daydreaming and while i was daydreaming i remembered that chris never tried my moms food
mom-yes sweetie
y/n-what are you making today
mom-i don't know yet
y/n-mom you know chris said he wanted to try your food
y/n- yes cause i was telling him how good of a cook you are
mom-invite him and his brothers over
y/n- really
mom- yess call them and when your done come help me
y/n-okay mom be right back

i went to go grab my phone which is in my room charging i grab it and go to my bed and face time chris
chris-hey there
y/n- hey chris question
y/n- come ov-
chris-don't have to ask me twice
y/n-didn't even let me finish
chris-right what were you saying
y/n- come over with nick and matt so y'all can try my moms food
y/n- tell matt to drive
y/n-yess come over now
chris-yes ma'am

after a few minutes later i hear a knock at the door i get up from my bed and go to open the door
mom-ay y/n no sabia que cocinar entoses cocine 3 cosas que te gustan a ti ( Oh y/n I didn't know what to cook so I cooked 3 things that you like)
y/n- mama no te preocupes (mom don't worry)
mom-ahorita vienes y me ayudas cuando los deja's entrar ( right now you come and help me when you let them in)

i go over to the door to open it
y/n- hey guysss
nick-i am super excited for this
chris comes to hug me & while he is hugging me he  gives me a kiss on my head
nick-oh you love birds
y/n- come to the kitchen my mom is there
matt-let's go
y/n-guy she didn't know what to make so she made some of my favorites
we walk in to the kitchen
mom-hello boys how are y'all
chris-hello ms.l/n
matt- hey ms.l/n
nick-hey mom
mom-i already told y'all not to call me ms.l/n just call me m/n
(l/n < your moms last name & m/n < your moms name )
chris-will do
matt-yes ma'am
mom- so i made a few of y/n's favorite dishes
y/n-let me help you
nick-i want to help
y/n-nick you can put these in the oven
after we all the food is finished we put all the food. y the table and we sat down
chris- all of this looks incredible
matt-no cause for real
nick-omg let me take a picture cause it looks so good
chris-nick i wanna try this
nick-hold on chris
nick took the picture
mom-let's dig in

we all grabbed some food and chris,matt,and nick took a bit of the food
chris-OH MY GOD
matt-oh my
nick-its hitting all the right spots
we all laugh
y/n-glad y'all liked it
mom- yes indeed
chris- you were lying when you said your moms food it good
mom-what can i say

time skip to when they were done eating
we were cleaning up and everyone was helping
my mom and nick were putting up the food and chris and matt gave me the dishes for me to wash
chris- omg this was amazing i really loved her food
i giggle
y/n- yeah
mom-i wrapped up some food for y'all to take for y'all's parents
matt-thank you so much
mom-of course i hope they enjoy it
nick-ohh they will
chris- thank you so much for dinner m/n
mom-of course y'all are welcome anytime
matt-yess thank you but we should get going now
y/n-i will walk y'all to the door
mom-it was good having y'all over i will tell y/n to invite y'all again soon
nick-yess please
mom-bye kids
chris,nick,matt -byeee
i walk them outside
y/n-thanks for coming guys
matt-thank you for having us
nick-no like for real
y/n-ofc anytime
matt-okay me and nick will be in the car
y/n-okay bye guys
nick and matt go to the car

chris-everything was amazing
y/n-well i am glad you liked it
chris-i did and i love when you speak spanish
i giggle
y/n- well i can teach you some
he says while leaning down to kiss me
matt honk
chris-okay well go to go
y/n-okay bye i love you
chris-bye and i love you
(i love that he says instead of i love you instead of i love you too cause he knows that i don't like that cause it sounds like he is just agreeing) < her thoughts
he hugs me and kisses me again and he runs to the car and gets in and matt puts down the windows
matt-byeee y/n
nick-bye love you
chris- i love you y/nnn
y/n- bye and i love all of y'all
and they drive off and i go back inside

i hope y'all enjoyed this extra bonus chapter cause i enjoyed writing in this story again also guys i have ongoing story of matt so go check that out & like always make sure to vote and comment lovelies <333

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