Chapter 28

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We all started looking for him and after some time we find Chris and we see ......
Previous chapter ^^^^

I honestly couldn't see clearly because of the lights  but nick quickly gets in front of me out of nowhere
Nick-okay we found him let's go back
Y/n-come on let's go get him
Matt-hey y/n let's go
Matt says and gets in front of me too
Y/n- why are y'all acting weird let's just go get him so we can all go to the game room together
Nick - y/n I'm pretty sure your not going to want to see this
Y/n- see what sorry nick but I'm not trying to be mean but can you move
Liz-hey guys we couldn't find him
I turn around and I see Sydney Liz Adam and Michael
And I see Sydney nudge Liz shoulder a little
Sydney-hey y'all want to go back to the game room
Y/n-guys let's just go get Chris so we can all go together
Adam-umm sweetie I don't think that's a good idea
Michael- yeah he looks pretty busy
Y/n-what do you mean busy
Liz-I doesn't matter let's go
Y/n-I'm sorry but I know I'm being annoying but why can't we just get Chris
Matt-umm let's just go
Y/n-no can y'all just move
Nick-I'm sorry
Matt-yeah sorry
Y/n- why are you
Nick moves and I see Chris and that blonde girl who has been staring at me kissing
My heart breaks into pieces I thought he said that he will never do anything to hurt me I try to hold my tears but there is always that one tear that goes down
Oh damn it I just stand there looking at them put them I see Chris trying to pull away almost him trying to push her away
Chris-stop stop leave me alone
Blonde chick - no no I'm not going to
Chris-your crazy
Blonde chick-no I'm not
Chris-let me go
Blonde chick -no not until that one bitch comes and see this
Chris-why would you do that your ruining everything
Blonde chick-I don't care I'm doing it for her
Chris-let me go damn why are you so strong and who is her
I overhear what they were saying and I look back and I see that the others heard the same thing
Liz come next to me and tells me  that she is going to record it I just nod to her and I wipe up the tears because there is no need to cry since he was right that he will never hurt me I'm glad I have some like this but who is that blonde girl talking about I guess she hasn't seen me poor Chris why are we always in these situations and why does everyone want to hurt me and Chris like jealous much and then it all made sense
Y/n-that bitch
Nick- oh my gosh it's her she did this
Matt- sorry but who
Y/n- Rachel she made that blonde girl do this so she can hurt me and Chris
Matt-that bitch
Y/n-okay so what are we going to do we need a plan
Nick-oh I know
Michael-guys come over here we don't want that blonde chick to see y'all
Matt-oh yeah
We move to a place that she isn't going to see us
Nick-okay as I was saying so y/n pretend like your barely are coming in the room and seeing them then go up to Chris and say how could you do this and etc etc and just go with the act and let Rachel be happy then the next day we will post a cute TikTok of you can Chris so the bitch can get mad
Matt-ouu good plan nick
Nick-thank you I watch so many tv so this is how I'm good at it
Y/n-okay I'm excited for this
Matt- me too
Y/n-okay my acting skills on should I start crying
Matt-yes make it believable
Nick- and action
I go walk back a little so it can seem like I'm barely seeing this i go to where that blonde girl and Chris are and she is forcing Chris to kiss her omg poor Chris So I start fake crying
Y/n-Chris how could you do this
Chris-y/n I swear this isn't what it looks like let me explain
Y/n- explain what that your kissing another girl
Chris-please let me explain
Blonde chick- you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend
Chris- I did tell you get off of me
Blonde chick- you weren't saying that earlier in the room
Y/n- you slept with her too
Chris- no no she is lying
Y/n- I thought you said that you will never hurt me
Chris- I did she is lying y/n please believe me
I'm fake crying and I see the blonde girl trying to grab Chris and my blood boils girl don't touch him
But Chris tries to move her
I start leave
Y/n- what ever enjoy This other  girl
Chris-no y/n please let me explain
I start walking to the game room and Chris follows me and I quickly turn around and kiss him and he was caught by surprise and he kisses me back And I pull away
Y/n- i knew she was lying Chris it was all a act
Chris- what do you mean
Nick-she was acting
Matt-yeah she knew that bitch was lying because we connected the clues
Y/n- Rachel set this up
Chris- I fucking hate her
Y/n- we overheard what y'all were saying and you trying to stop her
Chris- thank god I really thought I was going to lose you
Y/n- well you didn't I'm here
Chris- yeah thank god
He grabs me and kisses me again on my lips
Liz-okay lovebirds calm down
Nick- hey let's go I don't want anymore drama or acting
Matt- yeah it's been a night
Y/n- hell yeah it has let's go
Liz-hold on let's hang out again sometime
Adam- yeah it was fun
Sydney-yeah let's exchange numbers
Michael- shall we
Sydney-omg you finish my sentences
We all laugh a do we exchange number and our new friends that we made walked us to our car so we can get there safely but we went through the back door cause we I'd t want anymore trouble and we successfully make it to the car we say our goodbyes and we start heading back to my house

To be continued.......
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