Chapter 21

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Time skip to the last day in la

It was the next morning and today was the morning that me and the triplets are going back to Boston We are all awake in madis living

Y/n-guys I don't wanna leave la
Matt-me too I don't wanna leave
Nick-Madi and Alahna imma miss you
Alahna- we are going to miss y'all
Madi- so so much
Chris- ahhh I'm going to tear up
Y/n- guys stop y'all are going to make me tear up like Chris said
Madi- what I'm going to miss you
Y/n- ahh stop me tooo
I get up from the couch and go and hug her
Me and Madi hug for a good minute and I pull away from the hug
Y/n- ahhh Alahna I going to miss you bitch
I go and hug her
Alahna- omg stoppp I love you
Y/n- I love you
Madi- I'm glad we met up here and y'all came to la
Alahna- me too I enjoyed spending time with you and y/n
Y/n- ahh well don't worry Madi and Alahna we will be back here soon
Nick- wait Alahna when are you leaving
Alahna- I have 3 more days in la
Matt- really
Chris-3 more
Y/n- I wish we were here for 3 more days
Madi- I wish y'all were here for 3 more days like Alahna
Y/n- okay enough of being sad let's do something or y'all want to stay in
Chris- I want to stay in
Matt- let's go out
Nick- yeah let's
Madi- I'm down to go out
Y/n- guys we need to pack well I need to pack
Alahna- we can do that later y/n&chris
Y/n- I know but I don't like doing things last minute
Madi- oh yeah I forgot that
Alahna- yeah me too I forgot how you don't like doing last minutes things
Y/n- yeah guys y'all can go out I will do y'all suitcases too if y'all want
I look at the triplets
Nick- as much as I want to say yes but no
Matt- yeah no
Y/n- why
Matt- we aren't letting you do our suitcases
Y/n- but why
Nick-no ma'am no no
Chris- nope I'm not letting you do that
Madi- guys well we can we go get something for breakfast
Alahna- yeah I'm starving
Matt- okay let's go
Nick - you want us to bring y'all breakfast
Y/n&chris- yes please ( we did at the same time )
Nick- okay y'all need to stop doing that
Matt-for real
Alahna- I know it's like your apart of them
She says pointing at me,Chris,nick,Matt
Y/n- omg were quadruplets now
Nick-Omg yay I always wanted to have a sister
Matt- hey
Chris- yeah hey
Nick- what
Me,Madi,and Alahna laugh
Alahna- okay guys let's go
They walk to the door
Matt- hey Chris aren't you coming
Chris- nah I'm going to stay and help y/n and also I might do y'all suitcases
Matt-Chris yes do our suitcases but y/n no
Y/n- no fair I want to help
Nick- Chris don't let her
Chris- will do
Madi- okay bye we will send y'all the menus
Alahna-bye love you
Y/n- okay bye love y'all
They leave
Chris- okay now it's just you and me
Y/n- yuh come on let's go to madis room to see if I left anything there
Chris- okay lead the way
We go Into madis room
Y/n- look my makeup help me but it in my makeup bag
Chris helps me put my makeup up and we start looking around if I left anything else in here
Chris jumps on madis bed
Chris - ahh I'm hungry
I sit next to him
Y/n: don't worry they will come back soon
Chris- I hope so
I get a notification on my phone so I take it out of my pocket
Y/n- here look they just sent me the menu
Chris quickly get up
Chris- ouuu let me see
I hand him the phone
Chris- they are at Denny's
Y/n- I know what I'm getting
Chris- I think I'm going to get the pancakes with chocolate chips and bananas and strawberries
Y/n- yummy okay I'm getting the pancakes with pecans that are so good
Chris- ouu I like those too
Y/n- let's split our pancakes like let's cut it in half and I give you half of my pancakes and you give me half of yours
Chris- oh yeah so we both have eachother but just half omg your so smart
Y/n- okay let me text our order to them
Chris- okay

To be continued......

Guys sorry I took so long but I have a idea on what to write so shout-out to Geneva238777 for the idea and make sure to vote and comment lovelies

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