Chapter 13

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We get up and follow her
Previous chapter ^^^

Once we got to the top of the stairs Rachel goes into a room and she gets out  and hands the boys some shorts
Rachel- y'all can change in any of these rooms nobody is here at the moment but me
Matt- cool
Chris- thanks
Rachel looks at Chris
Rachel- yeah no problem (says in a flirty tone )
The triplets go into the room and change
Rachel- okay follow me into my room so I can get y'all something
We enter Rachel's room  and she goes to her closet and open the doors
Rachel- okay my bathing suits are here y'all can pick any
She gets one of the bathing suits
Rachel- I'm going to go change 
Madi- ok
We all get a bathing suit and go change in different sides of the rooms
After I was done changing I go to her mirror to see how I look and Alahna and Madi join me
Madi- these are so cute
Alahna- yeah they are
Y/n- super cute
Rachel walks out
Rachel- hey are y'all ready let's go outside and get in the pool
Y/n- don't we wait for the triplets
Madi- nahh they know where the pool is
Rachel- yeah so let's go girls
We go outside and get in the pool
Rachel- okay I'm going to put some music on
Y/n- yess
Me and Alahna go to put our feet in the pool and Madi went with Rachel to put the music on
Madi- hey guys I'm going to go get some snacks Alahna come with me
Alahna- okay (she gets up )
After Rachel puts music on she goes and gets in the pool and the  triplets come out
Matt- sup guys
Chris- hey hey
Nick- oh y/n where is Madi and Alahna
Y/n- oh they went to go get some snacks
Nicks sits next to me
Matt- ouu I will go help them
I see Chris walking towards Rachel and i dont know why put I have a feeling I couldnt tell what it was
Nick- y/n y/n earth to y/n
Y/n- oh sorry
Nick- you good
Y/n- oh yeah
Nick- you seem kinda down
Y/n- yeah I kinda am
Nick- why what's going on
Y/n- well Chris is acting weird with me well weird In general
Nick- I was hoping you wouldn't notice that
Y/n- what Chris
Nick-yeah Chris
Y/n- what going on with him anyways
Nick- well Rachel and Chris used to have a thing
Y/n- oh
Nick-y/n don't get upset because I think Chris likes you
Y/n- really
Nick- yeah
Y/n- thank for making me feel batter
Nick- yeah and I know how girls are don't get insecure by her And (also me and Matt never really liked her )he whispered that in my ear
Y/n- really
Nick- yup love you y/n im going to go swim
Y/n-  I love you too
Nick blows me a kiss
Madi , Alahna, and Matt come back
Alahna- heyy girll
Madi- heyy y/n
Matt- hey kiddo
Y/n- kiddo
Matt- yeah kiddo
I giggle
Y/n- nobody has ever called me kiddo
Matt- well guess what I do
Y/n- aren't we the same age
Matt- yeah but still

After I got used to on how cold the pool was I got in the pool after a good time of being in the pool I got a towel that was outside and I went over to where madi was which was sitting down in a chair
Y/n- hey where is the restroom
Madi- oh it's up stairs and the door to the right all the way down
Y/n- okay thanks
I got my phone and I go into the house and go upstairs to use the restroom
Y/ns thoughts
All day Chris hasn't said a word to me and he also hasn't looked at me I was starting to get a little insecure I mean look at her she is super pretty and  kind and I'm pretty sure she has a amazing personality because if her and Chris had a thing she must be amazing she also has pretty blondeish hair she is perfect she probably has so much in common with Chris what if the start to catch feelings with eachother I mean he hasn't spoken a word to me

Back to her POV
Okay I need to stop looking at myself and the mirror and overthinking and I need to use the restroom I use the restroom and I go back down stairs when I was going down stairs I notice a piano in the corner I dicided to go to it and play with it a little I start playing random keys and try to come up with a beat or sound after a few minutes i found a beat/sound I got my phone and I open my notes app and start thinking of lyrics but first I set my phone up and record the sound after I start thinking of  lyrics after I got a few lyrics I walk to the kitchen to grab a water and on the way I look out the window and I see ......

To be continued......

Ouuu there is something coming up  make sure to keep tuned and also make sure to vote and comment lovelies and also there is a song coming up okay bye 💞

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