1. The Little Ma'am

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On a street in New York City sat a bakery house called "little ma'am's" owned by a not-little British ma'am who's always seems to set a happy-grandma smile on her chubby face. Also does this morning, the old lady's wearing her kindest smile when a girl walks in. She looks 13 with her light blond hair and old school thick glasses, she isn't only look like a 13 but more like a 13 from the former centuries.

But as she exclaims every times that 'I'm 20' with a theory that says 'I grew up in country side with my grandparents so I look younger for my age, fresh air really does help' No one seems to believe neither do they dare ask if she is really that old. but who cares if she is a 20-years-old maiden with the youngest look ever or just a girl who wants so badly to grow up, she's sweet, cheerful and they all say "stay young while you can" and that's all.

The girl works here in "The Little Ma'am's bakery house of big happiness" as she calls it.

The bakery house really is 'little'. The old lady doesn't need more than a couple of assistance to get through each day on this busiest street of the planet. Her family runs this business for a century, it never gets any worse nor better, they could've expanded it but they're just easily satisfied with what they're doing so much that it becomes their tradition that "little ma'am stays little"

"Good afternoon, ma'am" the girl greets her boss in usual way they always do as she puts on her apron.

"Hi there, young lady" the old lady replies with her pleasured granny voice... "just get back from the college, huh?"

"Yes ma'am" she answers and sighs "Is it that clear? Did hell leave its mark so noticeable?"

The old lady laughs slightly "No.. I just can tell from the two side braids you always wear when you go to college" she answers with a smile and slowly takes her granny step of the cashier to have her rest.

"Oh! Yes, my lady, you should take a break. I'll tryna make it here earlier next time" The girl says to the poor exhausted looked lady. She's too old for any work. The girl wants to help more but she also has another duty. The old lady barely does have any work these days since her assistance are so helpful and seem to devote their life for her bakery house.

"nonsense! I barely work these days. It's the time, not the work, that exhausts old folk like me. Don't worry child, you're much early today"

The girl smiles and asks "Where's your favorite baker, ma'am?"

"In the kitchen, I've him bake some muffins. Anyway he's not my favorite, don't tell him, but I only have one baker"

They laugh as the doorbell ring with a hurry man rush in. He took off his black leather jacket and order in his hustling unkind manner. "An iced cappuccino and 2 muffins"

"Oh... Sorry, sir. But we don't have coffee and the muffin is baking" replied the girl with the sweetest and guiltiest smile as she can

"which would be ready in a few minutes" adds the old lady

"if you wouldn't mind waiting I could go buy your coffee from the across-street coffee shop" Offers the girl

"Are you sure I'd be only a few minutes?"

"yes... for the muffins but the coffee I'm not sure but I'll go immediately if you'd like to"

So he has his muffins in the next minutes when Greg, the baker, comes out with a nice warm tray of muffins. And the girl leaves for his iced cappuccino and from now on he becomes the common customer of "the little ma'am".

Every day he comes in,orders an iced cappuccino and some bakeries, asks if he can plays music then he walks to his favorite table in a quiet corner of the café, pick up his guitar, plays and writes something all the time

And that's how a musician end up stuck in his own mind in "the little ma'am" bakery house day by day.

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