38. Young Girls

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When Bruno reaches the club he's gonna play tonight, the band and his staff are already there. He sits on a chair in front of a mirror in the dressing room where everyone's walking around, preparing for the show.

"What the hell, Phil?" Bruno greets as Phils walks pass by in his button down shirt "Why don't you wear you leather jacket?"

"what?!" he asks back "Am I supposed to wear it?"

"Yeah! Why do you I'm in the leather jacket then?" Bruno asked back

"Then how on earth could I know that you're going to wear that hella jacket?" Phil argues and walks away

"Phil! I hate your outfits!" Bruno shouts after his back.

"Hey! Man" Phredley greets him as he drags a chair to sit next to him "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah!" Bruno answers, kinda annoyed just by his face.

You know, since you're like, so close to Marianne..." he implies. Bruno chuckles as he knows how this is look like. This Phredley's gonna asks him how to impress her. Haha like he's gonna help. "today, I asked her out"

"You what?!" he cuts up. Whoa! He didn't see that coming

"I asked her out." Phredley repeats as Bruno tryna play it cool and keeps his straight face "Like on a date, you know, to here actually,"

Bruno recalls the VIP pass card Marianne showed him back in the car. "What did she say, man?"

"She said..." Phredley pauses "she said she's not available"

Bruno signs with relief

"Is she really taken or just said that to avoid me?"

"She... really is unavailable" he answers

Phredley nods, can't even hide his disappointment "who's him?"

"um.." Bruno fakes a cough to delay his answer "I- I'm not so sure. Just heard that he's a very rich and awesome guy"


"Yeah, that bitch is just a geek, man!" he tries to comfort his co-worker as Phredley seems really sad

"I think she's cute"

"You can say that I guess" Bruno says and notices that Phredley really is sad "Are you okay?"

"Yeah! Thanks, man!" Phredly firmly says to him and walks away dragging the chair with him.

"sorry man" Bruno murmurs with himself. He actually doesn't know if Marianne really considered herself as unavailable or she just said it to avoid Phredley. But, for sure, he said it just to keep Phredley away from his girl.

Marianne doesn't show up at the backstage until the time of the show, so when Bruno gets up there on the stage, the first thing he does is looking for her in the crowd. It isn't so easy with all the light that shines on the stage, but he finally spot her in the crowd.

"See her?" Phil whispers in his ear when the light's down and they're about to begin the song "she looks smokey"

Before he can respond to the comment, Eric strikes his drum sticks as a sign to begin the song. While he's singing the first song, he can't take his eye of Marianne's small figure among the crown.

The only thing that popping in his mind is 'what the fuck'

Marianne moves her body along the music in the crowded club. One of her hand's holding her purse and another one's holding the drink. She's been here half an hour before the show time but she saw no sign of the band until half an hour after the actual time. So basically, she's been drinking for an hour and starts to feel dizzy when the band's on the stage.

Beauty and a Beat (A Bruno Mars Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now