30. No.

130 3 0

That night, after Marianne left, Bruno sits in his room alone, thinking about the kiss like a 13 and how they not talking about it. He smiles with himself for how a touch would last forever...

He grabs his phone and deals to Jessica.

"Hey, where are you?" she asks when she answers the phone "I got your text. What's happened?"

"I'm at my room" he pauses "It's a friend of Marianne, a very close friend. He passed away so she kind of having a hard time here."

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that" she responds "you stay there and make sure she's okay, okay?"

He doesn't answer anything. Whatever spell Mari cased on her, it's still there. Jessica he knows would never let him stay.

"don't leave her when she's sad" Jessica iterates.

"I never see you like anyone this much before" Bruno observes.

Jessica thinks about the smile she hears in his voice for awhile then she smiles back and answers "I like you more."

He doesn't answer, not sure if she wanted him to like her more back or something.

"it's impossible not to like her." Jessica says "she was so good to me."

"she's so good to me too" he agrees

"I have something to show you" she says cheerful mode "a second"

He gets a message on his phone. It's a link to a gossip news article online about "Bruno Mars spotted holding an unknown girl in New York"

"see?" Jessica asks from another end of the line

The article shows pictures of him and Marianne at the campus with his arm wraps around her shoulder. The article doesn't say much but the pictures might have said enough

"yeah" he answers her, thinking about what he should say. Deny it, which is not true? Or accept it, which he's not sure it's true either.

"I just confirmed to a website that we're still together and she's a very close friend to both of us." She says "I don't understand why there's only one website asking me about this. The pictures are quit obvious, aren't they? Like if I haven't known better, I'd think that you were cheating on me! Cheating! Isn't it a big deal? It should make like a front page on at least a gossip press or something."

"I'm not popular on this kind of stuff. Maybe?" Bruno comments, just to make it looks like he pays attention to her update. "and you told them she's just a friend so, basically, it's just a singer hanging out with his friend, not that interesting."

"Yeah, you're right.... Should I say that I have no idea what's going on first so we get everybody's attention?"

"No, I don't think so" he's thinking about changing subjuct before she's getting serious with her idea so he says "I'm going back on Monday"


"Mari will hold some kind of memorial this weekend so..." he informs then the conversation turns into her favor so it's him listening to whatever she says and pretends to be interested for an hour or two.

The following morning, Bruno's waken up by the smell of food. He walks off his room and sees Marianne at the kitchen as usual.

"hey" she hellos with her ordinary sweet smile from in front of the stove. Her glasses are indistinct in stream and her braids cliped up on her head.

"hey..." he says as he walking across the room to the counter. He opens the news he got from Jessica last night and lays it on the counter "check this out"

Beauty and a Beat (A Bruno Mars Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now