2. A Beat

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                There's no more glorious hour of his life than now. A musician, on top of his career path, has plenty of songs on charts and millions of fan girls screaming his name. He has everything he's ever wanted.

                From an unknown song-writer and poor artist, at the bottom of his life, he almost gave up. He's not like supper handsome nor hot ass as Adam Levine, no. He's just so talented in what he loves the most — music. Like I said; he almost gave up but, thankfully, he didn't, so here he is... BRUNO MARS, one of most successful singer this world ever knows.  

A couple weeks before he rushes in the bakery house, the famous musician almost feel like he's in the bottom of his life again, not the same bottom but taste alike—suck. He was lying on his bed after he woke up. Lately, every morning sunlight disgusted him more and more. He hated when morning came and hate to face another new day—new suck day.

                As Voltaire said 'with great power comes great responsibility', it's not easy being so big. Fame comes with expectation and pressure. He was overwhelming with all of these, Overwhelming with his colleague's eyes waiting for him coming up with some new song writing ideas, overwhelming with his own eyes expecting for the same thing from his co-worker, overwhelming with nothing they've got from each other, overwhelming with another day with nothing worth continue, overwhelming with his beloved bae lying on his bed next to him.

                Actually, it had never been easy — writing songs. He had used all the songs he'd ever written in his whole life. Now, what's next? Songs come and go as they want to, they are so fast, it had always been hard for him to catch one when they came into his mind, left alone having some when he can't see any hovering around.

                "hey there! How are you?" asked the girl lying next to him. This was unusual. If he waked he'd get up. He didn't care if pulling out his arm that's wrapping around her would wake her up. There was something wrong.

                "Did I wake you?" He said as he sat up and leaned his shoulder against the headboard

"Oh! Bruno! Since when you care?!" there. He gave a little laugh in his throat and got away from bed, upset. She ran after "okay, well, seriously, Bruno, what's wrong?"

"Just tired" he replied with exhausted sigh

"You know you can always tell me. I'm always here if you need me" She said, feeling as if she was tired of him too, tired of never be able to cheer him up lately. He gave her a slight smile, kissed her softly and left to get ready for work.

Days after Days without anything good. "Dude," one of his colleagues and best friends finally said to him in one afternoon after practiced some songs for the evening event "If we're not come up with something soon, we're doomed"

"I know, Phil" He replied. He really did know... Fame is a temporary thing. It would soon run out if he gave it a proper chance. Longer pause of song releasing means higher risk of losing some fan base. "I'm lack of inspiration"

"Come on! Peter!" Phil called him with his real name "who are you? Greenday? Ed Sheeran? No! you're Bruno Mars, dude! He sings about love and passion and this man is never lack of love... at least he's never lack of passion!"

"There's first time for everything" Bruno replied, started to think if he should've skip work today

"Oh man! Then go get some passion!" Phil answered with unexpected exciting

"And Jessica will rip my throat out"

"She'll understand" then he shook his head and laughed "no she won't but she doesn't have to understand what she doesn't know"

Bruno sighed and changed the subject "We'll not get to sing at events for a while, is that okay?" Bruno suggested


"Kind of"

"Then where would we go?" Phil asked in excited voice then he realized his friend's real meaning "What!! You'll go alone? Why? Where?"

"Didn't really think about it, just wandering around I guess."

And wandering he went, to somewhere he didn't know yet but days later he found himself in the crowded city of New York, rented a room, wandered around that busy city hoping that he might come across some inspirations.

Beauty and a Beat (A Bruno Mars Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now