45. Unexpected Text.

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"Hey, Peter. We have to talk" Marianne says later that night after Bruno insists that she has to spend the night with him 'cause he can't stand staying in New York without her.
"Yeah?" He asks from the couch in the bedroom as Marianne announces her intention to talk after she comes out of the bathroom in his oversize T-shirt that gives a clear view of her thighs.
"What are we gonna do next" she frankly asks
"Why don't you sit down here?" he asks as he pats the couch next to him. Marianne sits down there and leans herself against his warm body. He throws his arm around her waist and says "What do you think?"
"I honestly have no idea" she admits
"I don't want to be far away from you. I want to hold you close when I sleep and see your face when I wake up. I want to be with you"
"is that mean some one are gonna have to follow another one around?"
"If that's what it takes to be with you then: yes" he answers
"I'm going to Brazil" she says "I can not not go to Brazil. It's my dream"
He sighs and kisses on her hair "I have to go to London and maybe L.A. and Canada and French and Germany"
She smiles "Go"
"After London, we're going to discuss on the world tour" he imforms
"that's great!"
"I'm not going" he says "I'mma be with you in Brazil."
"you can't do that"
"Yes, I can" he talks back "and I will, unless you don't want me in your life, which isn't an option for you"
"I appreciate your intention" she says as she takes his hand to kiss "But don't you think being on tour means so much more to other people too? You can go on tour and then if you still want to, you can always find me in Brazil. I'm not going anywhere"
"I wish I could just tell you to come with me and go wherever I go but I can't. I guess I love you much more than that." He says with a light smile and entwins his fingers with hers "still, I want you to know that, we all love to have you in the band with us"
"Nah, it all was just for fun. I can't do any better to the band. I'll only hold you guys back"
He chuckles. "You know, about what you did to Sandra. We think we need someone like you"
Marianne smiles and buries herself deeper in his embrace.
"Thank you" he whispers "For that and everything"
"Thank you too" she whispers back "for everything..."
"I love you..." he says and presses a kiss on her lips. In between the kiss he says "for real."
"I love you." She whispers and pulls herself off to look him in the eyes "don't let nobody tell you any different. Not even me. If I say I don't, I lie"
"That's so sexy" he comments and pulls her back to his kiss.
"Don't forget it" she repeats and goes along his movement, from warm to hot, from love to lust, deeper and deeper into their mind, imprint the feeling they share forever in their heart.

"Hey, baby..."
Bruno blinks away his sleepy feeling when he wakes up to Marianne's voice in his arms. Her bare back is pressed against his bare chest. The smile flashes on his face when he thought of what happened last night
"Hey.." Marianne urges again, this time slightly shakes his arm but doesn't turn away from her phone "Baby, are you awake?"
"no" he whispers and presses a kiss on the back of her neck
"Check this smokey thing out" she says, ignoring his answer.
She hands him her phone and it's the text she's got from Jessica. There're pictures of her on her Vogue photo shoot, barely dressed.
"You got one?" Marianne asks as Bruno keeps his eyes on her phone. She giggles "wanna fly back to her, huh?"
Bruno doesn't answer her teasing question. He scrolls down her text series with Jessica which Marianne recently commented on her photo read: 'You just turn me on in that jeans underwear'. Bruno frowns "How long have you been flirting with her?"
Marianne chuckles "I'm a professional cheater"
He sighs then turns away to lie on his back.
"not funny?" she asks as she turns to check on him. Bruno seems a little upset with her word so she climbs on top of him "Okay not funny"
He doesn't answer but reaches for his phone "I didn't get anything from her" he says
"Are you jealous?" she asks as she draws her hand down his jawline and with a smirk she asks again "Who are you jealous of, anyway?"
"Are you really making fun of this" he asks as she draws her hand down his chest. Her text notificaion rings, she smiles while she reads it and types something back.
"I don't know" she answers his former question as she leans down on his chest and presses her body on his. Marianne can feel Bruno gets hard under her body. "Who's that for? The smokey pics?"
"I don't know" he answers and flips her down under him. As Marianne moves her hand down to his private spot, her phone rings
Marianne brusts out laughter but Bruno reaches down his hand to keep hers down there. He kisses her neck and whispers "leave it!"
"Gosh! It's Jessica!" Marianne brusts out and pushes Bruno away. "She's calling me on skype!"
Bruno sighs as Marianne rushes out of bed and randomly puts on the clothes on the floor. She has her own shorts on with Bruno's T-shirt. "Just don't answer her" He orders
"I just replied her text like a sec ago. I have to take it!" she explains and turns to order him before she heads out of the room. "you stay here and pretend that you're sleeping. It's too early for you to wake up"
"aye" he answers lazily behind her back.
Marianne runs to the door and takes a deep breath before she answers her skype.

"Marianne! What takes you so long!" Jessica cheerfully asks when she sees Marianne "you're at Bruno's?"
"ah, yeah!"
"Make him breakfast, huh?" Jessica asks and for the first time, she walks around, letting Marianne see the environment behind her. It looks like a hotel room. "What are you gonna do for him?"
"I don't know. I'll have to check stuff in the fridge first"
"I know you'll come up with something gorgeous"
"How're you doing on the photo shoot, anyway? You looked absolutly ... hot" Marianne asks so the entire conversation transferred to Jessica and she can cook something while she is talking.

It turns out that Jessica got another work on the runway for some big brand she doesn't know. Jessica tells her that she's getting back to L.A. soon and she misses her and Greg, too and how about the stuff in her shooting which Marianne doesn't understand a single word.
Jessica eventually hangs up an hour later after Marianne made sanwiches for Bruno and herself and sat down and talked, well listen, to her for another 30 minutes. After that, Marianne brings the sandwiches to Bruno in bedroom. She founds him sleeping so sound on the bed so she doesn't wakes him up when she leaves.

Marianne slips into her own clothes in his closet and heads off his apartment. Marrianne founds herself in the train headed to the upper town. After several minutes of walking, she stops in front of a house. She knocks and Dr. Allison opens the door.
"I'm here for Roby." She says "I have something I want to talk about"

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