The aftermath

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I look on my timeline and see on tmz website and see my dad and my boyfriend fighting and I was so embarrassed "what happened" ashley said "it's all over tmz my dad and nyzeir fighting omg this is so embarrassing" I said "Damn I see it now mr Edmonds was beating his ass at first but then nyzeir held his own" Adrianna said "this could ruin my dad's reputation he just got his Artist up there in the billboard charts and just got a good name for his label fighting a teenage boy is not gonna be good for him" I said "this is all my fault I should've never snuck out the house and none of this would've happened I hung up on Adrianna and ashley and called nyzeir but he didn't Anwser I called him again and he answered "Babe" he groaned "hey baby were you sleep" I said "yeah he said why are u calling me from a email" he said "they took all my electronics away except my laptop I missed u so much I'm so sorry about what happened" I said "don't worry about it baby I can handle a punch" he said "I know but I don't know what got into him he's usually so calm" I said "baby calm down it's ok it already happened now I'm tired I done got into a fight with your dad and now I'm tired ima go to sleep I love you princess" He said I sighed "I love you too baby goodnight" I close my laptop and put it into my last drawer and hide it under my clothes and stare at the ceiling and before I knew it I was sleep
I was working up to my alarm flashing 5am I rub my eyes and get up and go into the bathroom and do my morning routine you know take a shower wash my face brush my teeth put on deodorant you know the usual and then I got downstairs to make me some cereal and I see my mom she's always up early I tried to turn around secretly and go back upstairs "come back down here and get you some breakfast" she said damn how did she see me I swear this lady's has eyes everywhere I go back in the kitchen and make me some cereal quickly and quietly and I ate it fast "I'll be picking you up from school today" my mom says "umm no it's ok I'll take the bus there and back" "fine" mom said she went back in her room with her cup of coffee I can tell she's still mad at me but I don't care dad was wrong and if she's gonna stick by her man ima stick by mine I go upstairs and start getting dressed and this is the outfit im wearing for today

I look on my timeline and see on tmz website and see my dad and my boyfriend fighting and I was so embarrassed "what happened" ashley said "it's all over tmz my dad and nyzeir fighting omg this is so embarrassing" I said "Damn I see it now mr Edmo...

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This fit is really casual cute I get on the bus and I go all the way to the back because everybody knows that's my spot and once I get back there I see desiree "Heyy desiree!!" "Hey yas" she said "I've missed you"she said "Mee too" I said "your barely on the bus anymore" she said "well my mom was taking me but I really just wanna be distant from my parents right now" I said "yeah sorry yas I seen it on tmz last night everybody knows how much you love nyzeir" she said "yeah but we're gonna get thru this" I said "but atleast u had a lil bit of fun before the big fight" she said "yeah girl I was hella tipsy I was living it up" I said laughing I love desiree she always makes me laugh she's like a little sister to me she's 14 about to be 15 and I always kid and joke around with her she's a freshman but she acts like a grown woman I only see her on the bus and in my neighborhood since she's in the other campus we finally got to the school and I got off the bus I hugged desiree and we both went our separate ways and I got into school and I see Adrianna getting dropped of by her mom adrianan walks towards me and I say "hey ms Arnold"she gives me a look and drives away what's up with your mom "she's says that your a bad influence on me she saw the tmz post and I explained what happened" said Adrianna "wow so my parents and ur mom hates me crazy" I said "your parents don't hate you yasmine there just mad you did sneak out you were wrong for that." Your the on that took me you knew I was sneaking out so your wrong to technically." I said "Yeah whatever" Adrianna said  we walk into our first period and we see that Ashley isn't here yet she's probably still hungover from last night i FaceTime ashley and me and Adrianna both put our faces in the camera "Ashley where are you at?" I asked "home" she replied "well u better get up and come to school I have on a cute outfit and I need somebody to take my pictures and u know damn well Adrianna can't take no pictures here always come out blurry" I said she busted out laughing and Adrianna looked shocked "I'm sorry Adrianna but it's true and u know it" I said jokingly "I didn't wanna take your pictures no way" Adrianna said I laughed after we hung up on ashley the bell ring and she walked to her next class as did I ask in walking I feel hands wrap around me and I can smell the scent of nyzeir and I turn around to see him smiling at me "Hey baby girl" he says I kissed him and said "hey baby I missed you" "lemme walk u to class beautiful" he said " I dont wanna go to class I wanna be with you let's skip i know the perfect place too."

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