Ms.Goody Too Shoes

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It's now Friday it's been like 5 days since that mall thing peyton has been our school and she's still the new girl I hang with her sometimes but not a lot but now I'm just washing my face doing my morning routine to get ready for school this Sunday nyzeir will be meeting my parents and my family officially I'm nervous for him and tomorrow is my birthday I'm so happy I'll finally be 17

"I'm on my way babe" I said on the phone with nyzeir walking downstairs

"Babe you have to be early I have a suprise for you" he said

"Ok baby I'm coming I'll see you when I get there by bae" I said giving him a kiss thru the phone and hanging up

"Come on pey let's go" I say to peyton who's eating her cereal

"I'm coming you see I'm eating dang" she says

"I'm leaving you then" I say rolling my eyes

She hurry's up and runs behinds me and get in the car I roll my eyes as I get in the drivers seat and i drive us to school we get to school we get out the car and I see Adrianna and ashley

"Heyy girlsss" I said

"Hey yas hey peyton" they said

"Hey" peyton said

"Ima go try to see where Derrick is see you later sis" peyton said

"Alright see you later sis meet bakc here at the end of the day" I said and then peyton walked off

"Derrick is she talking about THEE Derrick bad boy extraordinaire nyzeir's freind" Adrianna said

"Yes that one he's actually really sweet towards peyton they have been a thing for about a week now" I said

"That's crazy he don't like no body" ashley said

"Yeah I know" just as then Brianna walks up to us

"Hey yall" she says to us

Brianna is our friend she's not like our best best friend but she is a good friend and she hangs around us sometimes

"Hey" I said

"Wassup" ashley said

"Mmmm" Adrianna said Adrianna could care less for Brianna but she tolerates her

We started walking to the courtyard we were talking about any and everything

"They say she's pregnant" Brianna says

"Who" I said being nosy

"Rihanna the bitch I don't like" Brianna said

"You don't like anyone Brianna" ashley said laughing

Brianna rolled her eyes and I saw nyzeir he walked up to me

"Hey baby" he said while giving me a peck on the lips

"Hey baby" I said

"Can we talk for a minute" he says

"Sure" I said I turned around to ashley and them

"Ima have to go guys I'll see you guys later" I said to them

"Alright girl see you later" ashley said

I walked away with nyzeir and he took me to his car and we sat inside

"So what is it bae" I said

"This" he said while opening a box

"Omg baee I love it" I said while tearing up it was a matching necklace and bracelet set it was so beautiful it had little diamonds in it

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