She knows

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"Oh my god our parents think we're at the mall and we are really in jail" peyton said

We have been in this holding cell for 2 hours and they still have not gave us our one phone call and on top of the ashley is in the corner crying and Peyton is panicking and won't shut the fuck up

And officer walked by and I stopped him

"Can I switch Cells because I swear if this girl run across this cell one more time panicking and worrying and if this other girl in the corner keeps crying one more time I'm gonna go to jail for murder for murdering these two and Ill really have a reason to be in here" I said

The officer looked at me like I was crazy and I was so serious

"You will get you phone call in a minute" he said

I rolled my eyes and sat back down

10 minutes had passed and the guard finally let each one of us have our phone call

"Look what ever you'll do don't call your damn parents at all call y'all boyfreinds or something" I said

"I don't have a boyfreind no more remember that's why I'm in jail" ashley said with a attitude

"Damn ok ok damn call Adrianna she can bail u out you'll are the closet out of all of us" I said

She rolled her eyes and agreed

"Well I can ask my sister" Brianna said

"Good" I said

"And Peyton you call Derrick" I said

She nodded while wiping her tears

"Ok great"

I made my call first I called nyzeir and he answered

"Why the hell are you calling me from the county jail" he yelled

"Well bae it's a long story can u just bail me out please I'm in here with Peyton brianan and ashley they gonna call they man's and sisters and shit I just need you to bail me out please" I said

He sighed "I'm on my way but when I get there you explaining it to me and it better be a good reason or else ima fuck you up" he said

"Oh ok dad" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes and hung up

"Your turn pey" I said to peyton

She called Derrick and he didn't answer till like the 3rd ring

"Why are you calling me from the prison what the hell did you do it's your birthday!" He said

"Baby it wasn't my fault I was just there" she said crying into the phone

"Calm down calm down baby I'm coming" he said

"Hurry baby I'm scared I don't wanna be nobody bitch" she said still crying

"Nobody's gonna touch you babe" he said

I rolled my eyes

"Ok baby I love you" she said

"Love you too I'm coming" he said

Then it was ashley turn

"Adrianna girl I'm in jail because of Malik dumbass I fucked him up" Ashley said sniffling

"What happened" she said

"He cheated on me and I went crazy can u bail me out of jail please" ashley said

"Ughh ok ok I'm coming give me a minute" Adrianna said

"Thank you!" Ashley said

Then it was Brianna turn

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